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"And the last thing we want to know is why you thing you would be a good fit for us?" The woman asked. I thought for a few seconds before answering.

"I've always loved taking photos, ever since my brother bought me my first kiddie-cam, I find a certain peace in capturing moments, I feel like I can see everything in a picture- the emotion, the significance of an image. I take great pride in creating pieces that people will hold in their hearts forever, it's my passion and I believe if you do you passion- it's what makes your work great. I'd be a great fit for this company because photography is my passion and it doesn't matter whether I am actually taking the photos or just getting coffee, I am around what I love and that's all that matters."

"Good answer." She smiled back at me. "To be honest with you Ms. Clarke I think you would be a good fit here to, so I am going to give you a chance."

"That's amazing, thank you so much." I breathed a sigh of relief.

"What are your plans for this summer?" She asked.

"I haven't made any yet." I answered.

"If possible, we'd like you to start in the summer." She added, I nodded in response as she handed me over a few things to sign. Once done, we stood up in unison and shook hands. I rushed out of the studio, eager to tell everybody the good news. Lucas was waiting outside, leaning against the car- I sprinted into his arms, signifying the good news. He spun me around and kissed my forehead.

"Congratulations!" He laughed.

On the way home, we talked about my new job and the amazing prospects it was going to bring, Lucas added every now and then a couple of 'I-told-you-so's, this time last week I was in such a bad place and now things seem to be getting a little bit better. Maybe tonight I can party in celebration instead of trying to escape. When we were finally at the house, I burst through the door- luckily my parents were in the kitchen looking over some blue prints and my brother was stood next to them.

"I got the job!" I squealed. Everyone engulfed me in a hug, they were proud of me and after the past couple of weeks I have had, it felt fucking good.

"There's something else." Mike said handing me an envelope. I looked it confused, talking it from him and ripping it open.

"I've been accepted into the University of New Orleans." I gasped in disbelief, this has to be one of the best days of my life; I was making my family proud and Lucas was looking at me like I was the only thing in the room. I don't think I could have smiled any bigger.

"We're celebrating." Luke said, taking his phone out of his pocket and typing something really quick.

"I'll order some food." My father said, some time later Holden showed up with plenty of booze and not long after the food turned up too. We put on some music and put it on full blast, dancing around the room like our lives depended on it.

"I am so happy for you little one." Holden said wrapping an arm around me and kissing the side of my head.

"Thank you." I smiled back, our eyes were both glazed- we were both drunk as hell. I looked over at Lucas and my brother dancing next to my parents- all as equally drunk as one another and I felt this sense of peace, with myself and everyone around me. At the beginning of this year, my parents weren't exactly supportive of my passion for photography or anything I really did, but now they are. We are closer than ever and I am eternally thankful for it. I think they are just glad that I am finally happy.

"I think your brother is giving Luke 'the talk'." Holden informed me, I looked over and saw Mike with his hand placed firmly on Lucas' shoulder and a stern look on his face. I walked up to them slowly, hoping to catch the end of their conversation.

"Don't you dare, even think about breaking her." Mike said, his voice laced with threat.

"Don't worry, I won't." Luke said, eyes catching mine as I walked over.

"What are you two talking about?" I asked.

"You." Lucas whispered in my ear.

"All good, I hope." I retorted.

"Always." Mike said, ruffling my hair like I was a toddler. "Hold on to him, you're good for her." Mike said to us. I smiled at his words, Luke was good for me- as much as I tried to deny it in the past, we were good for each other, he made me realise who I was and I challenged him when everyone else let him do whatever the fuck he wanted.

Our celebration went on late, with plenty of alcohol and food being consumed. I have never seen my parents let loose like that before and I loved every moment; they were always the dinner party type, never the house party and it was refreshing to see the change. I have grown a lot this year and it's nice to know that my parents have grown with me.

I stood in the kitchen, placing empty bottles in a trash bag when a pair of arms found their way around my waist. I leaned back into Lucas as his held me against him.

"Come to bed." He mumbled.

"Let me just finish cleaning this up." I muttered back, the smile that I wore this morning still covering my face.

"Please hurry." Luke pouted, leaving my and then moving to go upstairs.

Once I had finally finished, I creeped upstairs to where everyone was already sleeping, I walked into my room to see a sleeping Lucas sprawled all over my bed. I stripped down and found an old t-shirt to slip over my underwear, then climbed into the bed next to him. I gazed over his sleeping face, trying to stop my self from caressing his face. I brought my finger up to graze his cheek when all of a sudden, he became restless. His face scrunched up and he began to squirm, his breathing became harsh and beads of sweat had formed over his head. He croaked my name out and that's all it took for me to move in closer and hold his face between my hands.

"It's ok, I'm here." I whispered. Lucas visibly relaxed against my touch and wrapped his arms around my body, holding my impossibly close.

"You know, one day, I am going to marry you." He mumbled out. I smiled and scoffed a little.




So that's the end of the first book! I can't believe I have actually finished something on this website, I thought that would never happen, lol.

I have already mapped out and planned the second book, I just need to begin to write it. And while I am writing that, I am going to start mapping and planning out the third book. I have some much in store, you guys aren't going to be ready. As soon as I sort out the cover for the second book, then I will begin to write it.

Thanks so much for everyone who reads and supports this, it means so much to me.

I love you all !


EDIT 16.03.2018: I have finally uploaded the first part to the prequel, it's called MAKE YOU BETTER. If you loved this, you're going to love what else i have planned. go and give it some love! 

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