Chapter 1

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Chapter 1.
Adam's POV.
I was woken up by a beeping noise that I soon found out was my alarm clock. Very frustrated because I spent all night thinking instead of sleeping, I smashed the alarm clock with my super strength and got out of my capsule. I went upstairs to see Tasha making breakfast.
"Hey Tasha." I sighed as I sat down.
"Is something wrong Adam?" Tasha asked as she handed me a plate of waffles.
I suddenly realized that I wasn't acting happy like usual because I was thinking about them again.
"Nope! Nothing is wrong! Nothing at all! I'm just so sad that you didn't make a ton of waffles!" I lied as I got a forkfull and scooped it in my mouth.
"Adam, I'm not cooking for 4 kids. I'm only cooking for two." Tasha explained.
"Oh it's ok. I'm just really hungry." I admitted.
Then I saw Leo run down the stairs and sit down beside me.
"Adam! How's my bionic bro this morning?" Leo asked as Tasha handed him a plate.
"I'm ok. Do you know what time the football game is? I'm thinking about bringing Danielle." I explained as I shoved more waffle in my mouth.
"I'm still mad at you for stealing Danielle." Leo said.
"It happened two years ago Leo, let it go." I smiled.
"Oh boys you gotta get to school!" Tasha yelled.
Leo and I grabbed our backpacks.
"Bye Tasha!" I waved.
"Bye Adam." She smiled.
-Time skip-
I was in history class and my teacher, Mr. Matthews, was talking about ancestry. And I really liked Mr. Mathews, but now I was thinking about Bree and Chase again. Were they ok? Were they...evil? That's it, I have to find them.
"For your assignment, I want you guys to do research on one of your ancestors. Class dismissed." Mr. Mathews said.
I walked out into the hall to find Leo talking to his friend Gordo.
"Hey Leo, we need to get home." I said.
"Ok, see you later Gordo." Leo said before we left the building.
"Why are you so excited to get home?" Leo asked.
"I need to tell you something that I haven't told Tasha or even Mr. Davenport." I explained.
"Adam, it it's the fact that you can perform the national anthem with your armpit, I don't want to hear or see it. Again!" Leo yelled.
"No! Well, I did learn Shake it off with my armpit, so I'll show you that later, but it's something even more important." I explained.
"Performing Taylor Swift with your armpit is not important!" Leo yelled.
"To you it isn't, but it is for us Swifties." I explained.
"Swifties sounds more girly then you think Adam." Leo said.
The rest of the walk home was in silence and as soon as we got home, I saw Mr. Davenport.
"Hey Adam, training in twenty minutes. I have to take a conference call." He said before leaving.
"Let's go to my room." Leo said.
I nodded and we went up the stairs to see Tasha in there.
"Mom!" Leo yelled in offense.
"Oh. Your home." Tasha smiled.
"What are you doing in my room?" Leo asked.
"Oh! I'm just putting up your laundry." Tasha explained as she reached down into a basket and pulled out one of Leo's shirts.
"Get out, get out, exit, out." Leo said as he started pushing his mom out.
"I'm going!" She yelled before leaving.
Leo sighed and started putting his clothes up.
"What did you need to tell me Adam?" Leo asked.
"Ok, I lied when Mr. Davenport asked if I had a family when I was adopted." I admitted.
"You have a family?!" Leo yelled, making me jump up and cover his mouth.
"Shh! Yes I have a family. But the reason I got hit in the first place was because I was running away from them." I explained.
"So...what were they like?" Leo asked.
"I had my dad, Douglas. He was evil and was training me to take over the world with my bionics. But I wasn't the only one." I said.
"Who else?" Leo asked.
"My younger brother and sister. Bree, who would be...17 now, had super speed and super agility. And my brother Chase, who would be...16 by now, had super senses and he was really smart. Really, really smart." I explained.
"Why didn't you bring them with you?" Leo asked.
"Because, they were so little at the time and I couldn't take care of both of them and myself, but I needed to get out of there." Adam explained.
"So do you know where they are now?" Leo asked.
"No. But I promised Chase that I would come back for him and Bree. And when Mr. Mathews was teaching us about ancestry earlier, it made me remember how much I owed them." I said.
"So are you gonna save them?" Leo asked.
"Yeah. Yes I am Leo."
Over and out.

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