Chapter 10

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Chapter 10.
Bree's POV.
"Hey Tasha!" I smiled as I went into her room, where she was painting her nails.
A skill that she had taught me just a few days prior.
"Hey Bree! What's up?" She asked as she screwed the cap on the dark blue sparkly bottle and set it on her nightstand.
"I was wondering if you could..." I started, but trailed off, not wanting to sound weird and greedy.
"If I could what?"
"If you could take me shopping. Mr. Davenport doesn't have any clothes my size and I've been wearing the same outfit for three days." I explained as I looked down at my training suit, which was a reminder of Douglas.
"Absolutely Bree! But you need something to wear when we go..." She trailed off, and I immediately knew I would be wearing some of her clothes.
I loved Tasha to bits, but her style isn' She dressed like a mom, which again, is good for her, but I'm 17, At least I would get my clothes after this, so I looked into her closet with her permission and finally pulled out a orange short sleeve shirt and denim capri pants. Then we went to the car and started driving.
Adam's POV.
"Adam, can you keep a eye on the boys? I have to go to work and the girls went shopping." Mr. Davenport explained as he grabbed his keys.
"Yes I can, Mr. Davenport." I smiled.
"Alright, the instructions for Chase's injury treatment is on the fridge along with the chore list. I'll be back tonight and I want it all done." He explained as he opened the door.
"Ok bye!" I yelled as he went into the driveway and to the car.
Leo and Daniel came up from the lab, laughing about something when I stopped them.
"What's up Adam?" Leo asked as Daniel glared at me.
"I'm in charge until the girls or Mr. Davenport get back and I'm gonna need some help with the chores and Chase. Can you guys help me?" I pleaded.
"Sure." Leo sighed and Daniel groaned, but agreed anyway.
"Thank you." I smiled as I went upstairs to check on Chase.
When I got up there, I didn't see Chase in the bed. Immediately starting to freak out, I started searching the room when I heard the toilet flush from the bathroom just outside of the room. Sighing in relief, I went to the door just as Chase came out, stumbling and having his hands firmly placed on his side.
"Hey buddy, let's get you back to bed." I sighed as I grabbed his arm gently, and started guiding him to the room when he stopped. "What's wrong?" I asked.
"I can hear groaning from downstairs. It's Leo and Daniel." He explained in shock before trying to go downstairs, when I stopped him.
"Even if they are in trouble, you are in no condition to fight. You're not going down there." I explained.
"But Adam-"
"No!" I yelled, making his eyes suddenly fill with tears. I sighed and laid my hand on his shoulder. "I don't want you to get worse. Go back to bed, and I'll deal with what is wrong." I explained.
"Fine." He sighed as he started walking, but almost fell on his face.
Luckily, I grabbed his arm before he did and led him back to bed, before running downstairs to see Leo and Daniel on the floor in pain with a guy around Chase's age with blue flames in his hand.
"Who are you?!" I yelled, grabbing his attention.
He smiled at me and raised his eyebrow before answering. "My name is Marcus. And dad has given me my orders." He explained as he got ready to launch the ball at Leo.
"What are your plans?!" I yelled.
"Bring all four bionic superhumans back to him, Adam." He smiled evily.
"What are you gonna do to Leo?!"
"I don't want witnesses." Marcus said before launching the ball straight at Leo.
Leo immediately dodged and it burned a small hold into the floor with black char marks in a huge area around it.
"Adam!" Leo then yelled.
I helped him up and whipped around to see he had Daniel in a headlock.
"Tell me where Bree and Chase are, or he gets it." Marcus explained.
"I thought you needed him!" Leo yelled.
"Yes, I need him alive. But I'm allowed to use any force necessary." He explained as he grip tightened around Daniel. "Tick tock."
"Adam...don't do it." Daniel explained, chocking out the words.
"I have to, Daniel."
"No. He's gonna hurt us anyway. So is Douglas. Don't give it to him. Just let him have me." He said as his words became less and less audible.
Just as he was on the verge of passing out, I knew I had to make my decision when I suddenly saw a big blue ball of energy hit Marcus in the side. He let go of Daniel in surprise and shock as they both fell to the ground, Marcus was the only one who got up.
"Who launched that?" I asked.
Then I saw Chase on the staircase, run down to Daniel and put his force field around them while checking out Daniel.
Marcus started kicking the force field, but it got deflected.
"It won't stay up forever!" Marcus yelled as I saw Chase's eyes start to droop.
"No Chase! You have to stay awake! Or you'll end up back with Douglas!" I yelled, hoping he would listen.
Chase's eyes immediately opened wider as he deactivated his force field. Before he could get up, Marcus kicked him in the side, making him cry out in agony as he grabbed it, blood starting to spill on the floor, meaning he ripped a stitch or two.
"No one touches my brother!" I yelled as I tried to tackle Marcus, but he punched me with his super strength and knocked me to the ground.
"Adam!" I heard Leo yell as he ran over to me and helped me up.
Then Marcus launched another fire ball at the ceiling above us. I felt someone push me before it fell down with a crack. Then I heard another cry of pain, and I saw Leo's arm was crushed under the beam.
"I'm fine...defeat Marcus!" He yelled as he started prying at the beam.
I looked over at Marcus, who was ready to launch a blast of energy at Daniel's unconscious form. Even though he was constantly on my nerves, I didn't wanna lose him.
"Yahhhhh!" I yelled as I tacked Marcus to the ground and literally punched him apart until he was just spare parts on the ground.
After that, I heard the door open.
"What on earth is going on?!"
Even though I just survived the battle, I'm dead.
Who walked in?
Over and out.

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