Chapter 13

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Chapter 13.
Bree's POV.
My little brother's eyes just turned bright green and I immediately recognized it as the Triton app. Douglas used to use it on us when we wouldn't listen to him and now it has taken over my brother again.
"What is going on?!" Mr. Davenport yelled as he stood in front of Chase's unconscious body for protection.
"Daniel is under the Triton app!" I yelled as Daniel launched a table at me, but I immediately dodged.
"How do we deactivate it?!" Leo yelled as he launched a glowing ball at Daniel, but he dodged with a evil grin on his face and threw another table.
"We have to power him down or help him remember good memories." I explained as I grabbed a rope and tried to tie it around him, but instead, I felt a burst of pain in my stomach as I was knocked to the ground.
I groaned as I gripped it and I heard Adam yell my name. Then I stood up and sighed.
"I HATE fighting in scrubs!" I yelled as I knocked Daniel to the ground.
Then he got back up and started using his molecular kinsiese on Adam to lift him up in the air.
"No!" I yelled.
"Bree!" Adam managed to squeak out, but Daniel started squeezing harder.
"Daniel! Don't do it. Remember when I took care of you as a baby? When we had a super speed race? When we drenched Chase in water balloons?" I asked, recalling the few good memories in our lab.
Daniel's eyes seemed to soften, but the grip returned and Adam frantically tried to pry invisible hands off his neck.
"'s me...Bee-Bee." I started crying. "Come on baby. Beat the app. I know you can."
Then Daniel's eyes flashed green to brown and green to finally brown. He dropped Adam and fell, but I caught him in my arms.
Once Adam caught his breath, he seemed a little mad, but mostly confused as he asked me a question in a horse voice.
"How come you can call him Danny, but I can't?"
"It's my baby name for him. Like I said before, I was basically his mom." I sighed as I stroked his blonde hair softly.
"So he'll be ok, right?" Adam asked horsely as he knelt down beside him.
"I'll check him out, but I should probably check out your vocal cords, Adam. You don't sound good." Mr. Davenport explained as Adam sat down on one of the beds.
I gently laid Daniel down on one of them, then kissed his forehead and whispered.
"I love you, Danny."
And helped Mr. Davenport check out Adam and Daniel. While we were working on them, Leo went upstairs with Tasha to explain everything. Then I heard a groan and saw Chase waking up.
"How are you feeling?" I asked.
"A lot better." He smiled, but it immediately disappeared as he looked at the destroyed lab. "What happened in here?"
"Douglas used Daniel's Triton app. Mr. Davenport is working on a block for it and taking care of Adam at the same time." I explained.
"What happened to Adam?" Chase asked cautiously.
"Daniel used his molecular kinsiese to chock him. He bruised his vocal cords badly so he is on a strict vocal rest." I sighed.
"What about Leo?" He asked.
"Leo is bionic now. He's upstairs with Tasha." I explained as I lifted up Chase's shirt to check on his stitches. "Well, your almost done with the stitches. They'll probably get taken out tomorrow." I smiled as I pulled it back down.
"That's good. How is Daniel now?"
Chase has always been so selfless, and it's adorable.
"He's ok. Unconscious, but ok."
"Yes, Chase?"
"Will things ever be normal?"
"I don't know Chase. I wanna be normal, but the only way we could be is if we take out our chips, and we can't do that."
A long time ago, Douglas explained that mine and Chase's chips were the only things keeping us alive. We didn't believe it until Adam snuck into his office one night and confirmed it. If mine gets taken out, I get extremely sick and die, because I was born prematurely and I get sick easily. Chase's chip is connected to his brain, so if his gets taken out, he dies immediately, because while Douglas was working on the chip, something went wrong with Chase's brain and the chip is the only thing preventing his death.
I looked up, snapping out of my thoughts, to see Mr. Davenport tapping my shoulder. I looked over to see Chase was asleep.
"Yes?" I asked.
"Go change and go to sleep. I can finish up in here." He explained.
"Alright. Goodnight, Mr. Davenport." I smiled.
"Goodnight, Bree." He sighed as he started cleaning up.
I went upstairs and immediately fell asleep in my temporary bed.
Mr. Davenport's POV.
How am I gonna tell them that I am their biological uncle?

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