Chapter 7

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Chapter 7.
Adam's POV.
"What's the plan?" I asked.
"You were the one who came here. Don't you have a plan?" Bree demanded as she finished wrapping up Chase's injuries and putting his shirt back on.
"I do. I need to know when Douglas leaves." I explained.
"He normally leaves after he is done training all of us and gives us instructions. He always trains us in order of me, Chase, Daniel. So after Daniel and he gives us some instructions, then he'll be gone and we can leave." Bree explained.
"Don't you guys have to get your stuff?" I asked.
"We just have a few outfits and I'm gonna bring the first aid kit for Chase. Other then that, no." Bree explained.
"Got it." I smiled before we heard the door open and I ducked behind the canisters again just as Daniel and Douglas walked out.
"He's still unconscious?" I heard Daniel whisper.
Douglas went over to Chase and tried to shake him awake, but to no avail as he remained unconscious. Douglas left him alone afterwards and started talking to Bree and Daniel.
"I want you guys to train for a full hour while I'm gone and clean up a bit. Then you are free for the rest of the night. I'll see you tomorrow." Douglas explained as he grabbed a overcoat before going out the door.
I got out as soon as he was gone and Daniel screamed in fear.
"Daniel, relax. It's our older brother, Adam, not a serial killer." Bree explained as she grabbed the shaking boy's shoulders.
"Wait. Adam? As in the Adam who Mr. Douglas searched for a year before making me Adam? He asked.
"No, as in Adam and Eve. Yes that, Adam! Geez." She sighed.
"So why did you come back? If I had escaped, I wouldn't have ever come back." Daniel explained.
"I told Chase I would come back for him and Bree. I didn't expect you to come with the deal." I explained as I glared at the teen.
"Seriously guys! Let's get out of here!" Bree yelled.
"Wait, we're leaving?" Daniel asked blankly as Bree face palmed.
"Yes, Danny." I growled and obviously hit a nerve as he lunged at me, but Bree held him back.
"Let me at him! No one calls me Danny!"
"I just did, shrimp."
"Knock it off! We have to get out of here!" Bree yelled as she set Daniel's struggling body on the ground.
"Alright, my car is in the woods, just a little bit from here. Then it's 49 hours to California." I explained.
"49 hours?" Daniel whined.
"Would you rather have 49 hours in a car, or stay here your whole life?" Bree demanded.
"Yay road trip!" Daniel cheered.
I seriously hated this kid. Then we heard a groan come from the couch and we immediately ran over to see Chasey's eyes opening.
"What happened?" He asked as he sat up, clutching his head.
"Douglas had the simulations hurt you again and you have a nasty side wound." Bree explained as she held his hand.
"How bad?" He asked worriedly.
"Stiches bad." Bree sighed.
"Ok. Anything else?" He asked.
"Actually, a surprise came by. Maybe you should say hi." Bree explained with a grin as she stepped out of my way.
"Adam? Adam, is that really you?!" He asked excitedly as his eyes lit up.
I went over to him and engulfed him in a hug, which I felt get returned immediately.
"Yeah, it's me, Chasey." I whispered as I ran my hand through his hair.
"You came back." I heard him sob.
"I said I would, didn't I?" I asked as I held him closer.
"Would you two quit being mushy so we can leave?" Daniel demanded as he tapped his foot on the ground in impatience.
"Daniel, they haven't seen each other in sixteen years. Let them have a little brotherly moment." Bree hissed as she nudged him.
"Fine. Guess the escape is tomorrow." Daniel said as he walked out of the room, but before he could fully leave, Bree grabbed his shirt and pulled him back.
"Knock it off. Just go get your stuff." Bree sighed as he left and she followed behind him.
"So, no offense, but why didn't you come sooner?" Chase asked.
"It's not that I didn't want to come, it's that I couldn't come. My dad wouldn't let me come." I explained as I stood up, just as Daniel and Bree came in.
"We got Chase's bag also." Bree explained before setting it down.
Then Daniel touched Bree's shoulder and started cleaning up with his super speed.
"What are you doing?" Chase asked.
"While you were unconscious, Mr. Douglas told us to clean. I'm not gonna leave this place a wreak." Daniel explained as he finished.
"You are a weird kid." Bree sighed as she face palmed.
"Alright, Daniel, Bree, get the bags." I ordered as I went over to Chase.
"Can you stand up?"
"I don't think I should try with my side injury."
"Ok then, I'll carry you to the car then. Upsy daisy." I laughed as I picked up Chase bridal style in my arms before walking out the door with Bree and Daniel following me.
I set Chase down in the passenger seat and buckled the seatbelt before I took the bags, set them in the trunk as Daniel and Bree got in the back.
"You guys know how to put on the seatbelts, right?" I asked, to see Bree and Daniel in them already.
"Let's go."

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