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Andi's POV


Jax had just left the class. That guy can't stay in one class for more than 1 minute. Suddenly I heard my name being called.

"Andi, will you go fetch him?"
"Who?" I asked, playing dumb.
"Umm I don't know his name just go get the kid that walked out of here please and bring him back here If you could."

"ugh do I have to?" I whined.

Jax and I havent really been on good terms since Emma left freshman year.

IM SO HAPPY SHE'S BACK. You dont know how hard it is to stand these people without her. "Andrea will you just stop complaining and go get that boy please." she said with a stern tone. I rolled my eyes but nodded anyway and went into the halllways.

Why not waste some time while I'm here? I continued walking through the halls even though I knew exactly where Jax would be. The pool.

After about 15 minutes of aimlessly walking around I finally reached the pool. I looked around and saw Jax sitting on the tallest bench of the bleachers and walked up to him.

"Jax. " I said trying to get his attention but only failing.

"Jax." I tried again. No answer.

" JAX." That's it.

" JAX WATCH OUT THERE'S A BIRD" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

"WHERE?!" He shouted looking quite alarmed.

"Oh Birdman, No matter how many girls you sleep with, you're always going to be birdman." I laughed seeing how he flinched just at the name.

"What do you want?" he asked sounding super annoyed.

"I don't want anything. Mrs.Webster sent me to tell you to go back to class."

"Tell her im not going back."

"Why? Did little Jaxy Waxy get scared 'cause his little Em is back?" I pinched his cheeks and made a baby voice just to tease him.

"STOP. Andi you don't know anything so stop pretending like you do."

Then, a little noise came from his phone. He took it out and looked at it "It's my father. I need to go. Tell Mrs.Webster there was a family emergency." He said as He picked up his backpack.

"What does your dad need now? Are you going to try to steal Emma's powers? Again? Or maybe this time you're going to take Mr.Alonso as randsom. Or is your mom calling to see if her little boy is safe and isn't getting an STD from all the girls at sch-"

"STOP!" He shouted and I froze completely. "You can hate me and talk about me all you want, but dont you DARE bring my mother into this. You got that Cruz?" He whispered to me only and inch away from my face now.

I nodded and he said "good." before walking down the bleachers and going out into the school parking lot.

What's this guy's problem? I wondered. Well I guess I should her back to Mrs. Webster's and tell her about Jax's "family emergency."

I walked back to class and entered the door. "Where is he?" Mrs.Webster asked as soon as she saw me enter.

"I don't know. I couldn't find him." I lied.

"Alright then. What was his name? I need to call up to the office. Students are not permitted to leave class just like that."

"His name? Jax Novoa." I went back to my desk and sat down.

"Oh and Andi, I assigned a project. You will be in a group with Emma and that boy- Jax. Emma can explain what you have to do. I figured it would be best for him to have two smart girls to keep him in line." I groaned at that.

Why am I always stuck with him? I swear it's like our lives are programmed to be full of coincidences. But hey, Emma's here too.

Oh boy this is going to be interesting.

A/N: And that's chapter two. Still building up the plot a bit but I'm pretty excited for where this is going!

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