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Tuesday afternoon

Andi's POV

I walked onto Jax's driveway and rang the door bell.

No answer. Great.

I rang the doorbell again. And again.and again. Until finally I got tired and decided to text Alex when she was going to get here

Alex 🤘

To alex:
Hey where are you?

From Alex:
Sorry, I totally forgot to tell you. I can't make it today.

To Alex:
Well I guess that means I can't either.

I typed as I stood and began walking down the driveway. Halfway down I heard the door being unlocked.


"Hey jax" i waved as I turned around.

"What are you doing here?" He asked running a hand through his hair

"Well Alex told me to come. She said you were ok with it before she bailed." I rolled my eyes

He shuffled around awkwardly before looking back at me.
"You wanna come in?"

Well I did make a promise to hang out with him. "Sure." I smiled and walked in.


Emma's POV

I was at home trying to get ready for our annual Christmas party which was coming up next week. This is so difficult to do when all your friends are either busy or mad at you. This doesn't even feel festive. Christmas kinda creeped up on me this year. It's insane how much things have changed since the last time I was here.

I walked over to my bookcase, where I had all my finished scrapbooks, and took out the one from before I left. I flipped through it fondly. There were pictures of Daniel and I at the dock, Jax and I having a picnic at the beach, then Daniel and I, then Jax and I. Everything kept changing the more I flipped through it. There was always one thing that was the same. Andi and I. And now that's gone.

I felt a tear and quickly wiped it away. "I need to to apologise to Andi"


Andi's POV
"You're not winning this Novoa!" I shouted and crushed his skull in...

In the game that we were playing. Obviously.

"ANDI! WE'RE PARTNERS!" He shouted and threw a pillow at me. I did the same before I heard the dootbell ring.

"Who's that?" I asked. Obviously it wouldn't be his dad, it's his house for fucks sake, and Jessie was over at a friend's house.

"Don't know. Probably just the mailman or something." He said standing up and walking out of his room and jogging towards the door.

I took this as an opportunity to explore a bit as I walked over to his mini fridge and took out a soda.

I wasn't used to this room or this house at all. In my house there would be family pictures all over every surface and some pillows or chairs spayed out all over the house.

Jax s house was different. It feels like they're just a couple walls and tiled floor. My house and other houses all feel cozy, or better yet, homely.

I searched around a bit more and found nothing. Everything was were it was supposed to be. Nothing out of place which somehow made me a bit sad. There was always order around here, never time for fun.

Suddenly I heard the door slam shut and shouting coming from downstairs.

"You have no right to just come into my house like this!" Jax shouted and I went out of his room and onto the stairs, trying to look into the bottom floor where the living room was.

"Look, I just want to talk to Andi."
Emma? What the he'll was she doing here and how did she know I was here?

"Andi's not here. We don't even like each other. Besides it thought I told you to stay out of my life, in case it wasn't clear that includes my house."

"Dont play dumb with me Jax. I used a locator spell. I know she's here. Besides, Mr.Novoa told me I could come over whenever I wanted." I looked over the railing to see Emma with her arms crossed over one another and a smirk plastered on her face.

"Maybe your spell didn't work right." Jax defended. "We both know you're not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to magic."

I could see a hurt expression pass over Emma's face for a split second and for a moment I almost wanted to go and comfort her before remembering how she kicked me out of her house and left me out to dry when I needed her help.

"You know what? If you won't leave, I'll make you." Jax said as he lifted his finger and shot a spell at Emma, probably sending her back to her house or something.

He started walking back upstairs and I booked it, trying to get back to his room. I jumped into the bed and grabbed a controller, trying to seem natural, just as he walked in.

"I know you saw that." He said as he casually layed down.

I looked down and fumbled with mt braclet "sorry."

He let our a heavy breath "No need to apologize."

I sat up and turned around to face Jax "So why did you say I wasn't here?" I asked.

"Well I sort of wanted to avoid the drama that would come with emma knowing we were hanging out."

"Wow, really? You? Mr.TalkOfTheSchool wanted to avoid drama? Now that's something Gigi should post on her blog. Might be the biggest news story of all time!" I laughed.

"Yeah, big shocker right?" Jax sarcastically commented.

Soon enough we went into a moment of silence. My brain took some time to process what was even happening. I was at Jax's house, Emma and I were mad at each other and Jax and I were actually getting along? Well I guess if Jax and i were going to be some type of friends I should at least try to get some clarification about some stuff instead of jumping to conclusions.

"Hey jax.." I paused, a thought forming in my head. Something id been wondering for a while.

"Yeah?" He asked.

"Umm I have a question for you." I said as I laid down next to him.

He shuffled around a bit until he was laying on his side, facing me.
"What's up?"

"So you know that little orange bottle you took to school? Were those drugs? Like obviously they were but like...serious drugs?" I fumbled over my words trying to work out the best way to address this situation without sounding too judgemental.

Jax sighed heavily and layed back down on his side. "Yes, they were drugs but not the kind that you think." He paused and looked as if he was contemplating something for a bit before finally speaking up.

"They're depression pills."

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