《5》Long Time No See

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Emma's POV

I had moved from Miami back to Pittsburg around 2 Years ago. Everything was just so hectic. My father's mother, aka my grandma,  had been very sick and we decided to go take care of her for at least a year. As time would have it, she passed away and we moved back. Overall, my father has been trying to not let it affect him as much as my mother's death did. I tried to keep in contact but I didn't really feel like dealing with any sort of "boy drama" or explaining the whole situation which meant losing contact with all my Miami friends.

Thankfully, I've been able to catch up with all of them and pick up where we left off. Well I mean, except for Jax. I haven't seen him all day.

I walked into the cafeteria and inhaled. Ahh the smell of Mystery Meat Monday, can't say I've missed it but it definitely brings back some nostalgia. I walked into the line to get my food and walked back to a table where Andi, Phillip, and Daniel were sitting.

"Hey guys!" I cheerfully greeted as I sat down.

A chorus of "Hey Emma!" "Hey" and "Hiya" soon followed after I sat down. I noticed Jax's absence again and decided I was going to find out where he was. We really need to catch up.

As everyone was having their conversations and eating their lunches I decided to just come right out and say it.

"Hey, where's Jax?" I asked and I felt like a blanket of awkwardness  had landed on us. Everyone suddenly stopped their conversation and started giving eachother awkward glances. "Well?" I said after a moment of silence.

"Emma..." Daniel began.

"You see, the thing with Jax is that..." Phillip interviened trying to explain but failing.

"Well Jax he..." Daniel tried again.

"Jax is like..." Phillip cut in again.

"Oh man up!" Andi interviened and when they didn't say anything she decided to say it herself. "Emma, Jax has changed."

"What do you mean? Changed how?" I questioned.

"Well for one, he doesn't talk to us anymore, like at all." Phillip said.

"And he's always skipping class." Daniel continued Phillip's thoughts.

"He has detention every day." Andi cut in.

"He never goes to Shark meetings anymore." Diego said as he came over from the table were he and the Panthers were sitting.

"He's constantly hooking up with girls in the janitors closet." Katie said.

"You know  people say that they've seen him drinking or getting high behind the Seven or sometimes during school " Maddie gossiped.

"He's really mean now." Sophie frowned as she looked at the ground.

What? My Jax? The Jax that gave up his powers for me? That stayed with me all night through a storm? The Jax that was always so sweet and charming?

"No. That's impossible." I shook my head. Memories of all the good things he's ever done for me suddenly filling my head. "Jax is the kindest, sweetest, most amazing guy I've ever met! There's no way he changed that much." I almost yelled trying to process what they were telling me.

"Speak of the devil" Maddie groaned and everyone turned towards the cafeteria door. Jax had just walked in and I couldn't believe my eyes.

A scowl was plastered onto his face, replacing his flirty, yet adorable, smirk. His hair was a mess, not a perfect quiff like usual. His leather jacket was still present but instead of the school uniform shirt he was wearing a black tank top. He definitely didn't look like how he did when i left. Maybe he's just trying out a new style?

"JAX!" I screamed probably catching the attention of the entire lunchroom. I ran up to him, wrapped my arms around his torso, and put my head in his shoulder. I waited for his arms to wrap around my waist like they used to but they never did. I let go slightly confused to see a slightly shocked Jax. He quickly regain his composure and had his scowl back in place.

"What do you want...Emily?" He asked, questioning my name.

"I- I..." was all I could say but my mind couldn't shut up. Emily? I'm Emma. Your girlfriend. The one who you told  you "believe in your heart that you and I belong together." Remember me?

"Her name is Emma. Considering how much you cried over her I woulve thought you wouldve remembered the name." Andi chimed in just in time to save me from any more embarrassment.

Cried for me?

"Ha, very funny Cruz. I dont cry. Especially not over a little goody goody. I have plenty of girls that are way better and i could have next to me at my command." Jax sarcastically laughed.

Plenty of better girls? Ouch.

"You really think you're a hot piece of shit. Don't you Novoa?" Andi asked obviously getting angrier by the second.

"I don't think, I know." Jax arrogantly answered.

"And who told you those lies?"

"Well you could ask Abigail, Ruth, Syndey, Paola, Valeria, Lindsey, or basically any other girl in this school." Jax smirked before walking closer to Andi. "But if you still don't believe me, I'm sure we can work something out so you can see for yourself. You're not really my type but proving you wrong is always a blast." Jax flirtatiously said as he brushed a piece of Andi's hair out of her face.

What? Jax flirting with Andi? No, this is wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, WRONG.

"Yeah, over my dead body." Andi retorted before slapping his hand away.

"Mine too." Phillip said as he stood in front of Andi. "Don't mess with my girl Jax." Phillip threatened.

"Oh big, bad, scary zombie boy is threatening me." Jax mocked as he grabbed his sandwich off his lunch tray as the bell rang and he walked away.

That's NOT Jax.

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