《4》Goodbye Freedom

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Jax's POV (yeah I know but don't worry, Emma's will be coming soon.)


I opened my door and looked up. Nervous eyes, or I guess my nervous eyes, meeting mine.

"Jax, it's good you're here. Sir has been calling non-stop and he doesn't sound too happy. You better go talk to him before he decides to pay us a surprise visit." Jax Junior, my trusty clone, informed me. I brought him back after Emma left. I mean, without her  or any of my so called "friends" coming around, the house got a bit lone- nevermind.

"Ugh what does he want now?" I rolled my eyes and walked up the stairs

I opened up my laptop and got a WizFi call (it's kind of like Skype but allows you to call people in the magic realm. Cool concept. Lame name.) I answered it only to see Sir sitting in our house in the Magic Realm.

"Jax, nice to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same." I snarkily replied. After a while I stopped caring what my father thought or told me.

"Jaxson Dean Novoa, you do not speak to your father that way."

"Id hardly call you a father." I scoffed

"I know I haven't been around much but somebody needs to work to make enough money to make sure you and your sister have everything you need." He explained.

"You mean the sister you didn't bother telling me I had?" I asked, annoyed and angry. "The sister you completely ignored me for, for years? That sister?" I asked raising my voice the more angry I got.


"I do what I want." I replied and shut the laptop, automatically ending the call.

Suddenly, a gray fog appeared in my room and after it cleared I realized that it was my father.

"No, you don't. You do what I want. And what I want is for you to start getting that little attitude of yours in check."

"Good luck with that."

"I dont need luck, I have money. And I have enough money to send you to rebels boot camp a whole year. Maybe that'll straighten you out. I have enough money to send you to a private, all boys school. Maybe that way you won't have your little 'adventures' with all your 'girlfriends .' And your school called. Apparently, you haven't attended most of your classes this week. 7 detentions in one day? Are you fucking kidding me? I've been giving you enough freedom for you to make your own choices but if these are the choices you're going to make, then I'm going to put a stop to it. Jessie and I are going to move back here." He declared sounding determined.

I was about to protest but he continued talking. "You will also have a curfew. I want you back here by 8 p.m. No more  parties, no more electronics-"

I cut him off "But-"

"- no more motorcycle after 5pm" 

"You can't take away my motorcycle!" I yelled, boiling with rage at this point.

"Yes i can, I bought it. I can sell it if i really want to" he chuckled before continuing " And if you skip one more class or get one more detention, no more magic."

I scoffed. "Only the council can take away my powers."

"Trust me, I can have the council here in 5 minutes and with the way you have been behaving they would me more than glad to take away your powers." He laughed.

"But-" I began again, ready to beg and use the 'I'll be better next time' lie.

"I'll see you here before 8pm with Jessie." He smiled before waving "Goodbye Jax." He laughed sounding quite amused before transporting me back to school where I was standing in front of my 3rd period class.

Great. Just great.

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