I swear I saw you,
-Did you enjoy the view.I bet you didn't,
I could see you didn't,
Now your anger was not hidden,
Now that smile I was looking for left without a hint.I don't know where it went,
Maybe it followed me to the cement,
Maybe it's still on your face and that's not really a frown,
Just a smile that got bent,
It would go perfectly with the dimples that indent.I could've guessed you'd be smiling,
After all I was finally dying.And those tears fell from joy,
Maybe I finally gave you a show to enjoy.Oh but it was over soon,
Not for me I felt like I was just floating like a ballon.I didn't know my ballon popped,
Until my flying stopped,
My body dropped,
For a second time,
But this second time was after my lifetime.The second time was into a grave,
The first time was when I fell for you, oh how that was brave.Fell for you off that hotel,
Because I didn't see another way out of this curse of a love spell.____________
One of my longest and stupidest yet.