Wake up,
Get feed,
Lonely bus ride,
Go to school,
Learn something,
Go on that dreaded bus,
Let go of the school day as soon as I,
Get home,
Lunch was skipped, Maybe skip dinner ,too?
Go to bed.Wake up,
Get feed,
Lonesome bus ride,
Go to school,
Learn anything,
Get shoved onto that ugly yellow machine,
Let go of the bruises and scars in my head as soon as I,
Get to bed,
Lunch wasn't enough, Let's add dinner to the list,
Go to bed.Wake up,
Get a water,
Lie silent through the violent,
Games kids,
Like to play,
Getting to school,
Let's not,
Get to class,
Let's roam hallways until that ugly yellow escape comes,
Galloping like a horse of war,
Lean on the windows,
Generate enough energy to make it to my house,
Lie down,
Go to bed.Wake up,
Living but feeling dead,
Gather enough courage to talk to your mom,
Lie about feeling a little sick,
Giant headaches,
Lacking food,
Get to sick,
Lay down,
Go to bed.Wake up.
Wake up.
Wake up!
Wake up!
Wake up!Guess who's dead?