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A/N: Hello, and welcome to Chapter Nineteen of ADJMS. Amazing! Plus this chapter, I have written 20k words!

Emily's POV

I shot up, breathing heavily. The first scent that hit my nose: sanitiser. H-hospital? Many of us awake in hospitals with no recollection of how or why we get there, me included. Urgh, I'm a MESS! I was leaning forward, but felt something tug at my left wrist. A drip? Wow. Urgh times TWO! A hazy memory of feeling dizzy and falling on the staircase surfaced. Then... Nothing. Did I... FAINT? How? Why? And where is everyone? Running a hand through my dishevelled hair, I fell back into the soft pillows. Eww, this gauzy hospital gown thing is WAY too itchy.

After a seemingly endless wait in the deathly silent room, the door finally, FINALLY, flung open, revealing a flustered nurse. "EMILY!" Matthew practically barged in, trailed by my students. They crowded around me, and I smiled wanly. "Ms Emily! Are you okay?" Nat Armstrong shrieked. Victoria lightly punched her in the arm. "Of course not, stupid, she just fainted, like, an hour ago!" I laughed weakly. Always cheerful. I wish I we're as innocent at them: carefree and naive... I smirked at Matthew trying to wade his way to me through the flood of worried kids.

He finally got to the edge of the bed. "How are you now?" he asked, concern laced in his eyes. "I'm fine, just a bit hungry," I assured him. That seemed to placate Matthew a little and he sat back on his heels a little easier. "Do you want me to get some food for you?" he added. "Nah, thanks anyway..." My students crowded around me, asking silly questions. "Did you get hit on the head?" "Ms Emily didn't, but you will! Ms Emily, when can you come back to teach us?" "Hey, don't push, Joseph Kirkland!" "I'm not pushing!"

Matthew's POV

Emily looked so fragile, like she would break at my touch. Her lips are pale too, and her cheeks are drawn. How did she faint? It's odd... I furrowed my eyebrows slightly, sinking into the (frankly) uncomfortable couch in the corner. Is is the stress? It IS exam period in two weeks, and I always see her working non-stop. It's quite possible... She should take a break. But... the kids! They need to study... Relief teachers don't quite kick it. I can't bear them being taught by those newbies...

Then, a crazy idea came to me. I stood up and walked over, interrupting the excited chatter of the students. "Emily? You have to take a break. NOW. And don't argue!" I quickly added, cutting off all arguments. "But I have to teach the pupils!" she protested, waving a hand at the ten odd kids gathering in a corner, giggling and whispering. "You know you could faint again, right? I think it's because of the stress. You work WAY too hard!" I replied, crossing my arms.

"That's a role of a teacher. Even if I take a break, those relief teachers can't teach them anything. I don't want 9R to score badly this time round, I know you agree with me," she stated as firmly. That was where I knew she was going to head to. "I'LL teach them. You take a week off. Pass me all the material and I'll teach them," I suggested with a hint of iron. "YOU? But Matthew, you're busy too!" she gasped.

Emily's POV

He waved off all my objections. "I have one of the least work loads here, I only teach three classes a week," he argued. "And each week I'm only teaching for around six or so hours, minus the prep, and one after-school activity of only one and a half hours. I can do it, I mean, I'm not doing any preparations, I'm only passing on your messages. I'll do it, Emily, and I will do it even if I have to break into your house at night and steal the stuff."

I looked at him with dead eyes. "Matthew, number one, you don't know how to teach English. Number two, you don't know where my house is. Number three, Steinfield will NEVER allow that. You KNOW how he is," I scowled, lowering my voice a little at the end. He smirked infuriatingly at me and held up a phone. MY phone. "Give that back!" I yelled. He laughed. "I hacked it and lookie that!" 

He pointed to my address saved in my phone and waved it teasingly, just out of my reach. "You little thief," I complained weakly, knowing I was fighting a losing battle. This man is smarter than he looks... And actually quite good-hearted. I'm lucky to know him and have him as my colleague. I rolled my eyes dramatically. "FINE. Come over by my house tomorrow and I'll pass you the worksheets and some information," I sighed. "But I don't want to hear about you leading my kids astray, you villain." 

Matthew's POV

Knew that she'd agree... and it's really nice to know that she trusts me enough. "Okay, and Steinfield can go to hell," I declared firmly. With a sideways grin, she nodded. "Deal. But in return, I'm taking you out for dinner. It's the LEAST I can do, you helped me out and took charge when I was passed out," she ordered, crossing her arms smugly. "How-" "The kids told me that." Then she smiled sunnily once more. "You're a nice boy but you can be incredibly dense at times," she added.

I rolled my eyes. "Alright, alright, and I am NOT dense!" I snapped playfully. She raised an eyebrow, like wanna bet? Raising her voice, she called, "Children? Come here." They obediently stopped their conversation and went over to where we were. "Am I dense?" I demanded, quite certain that they won't betray me to the enemy. "Yes," they answered immediately, to the immense laughter of Emily Sophie Fox. 

"What? Why are you all so evil to me?" I complained, causing all of them to laugh harder. I grumbled a little to myself and in a show of pouting, I dropped firmly back onto the couch. "Meanie!" I accused. "You're just saying that to make me feel better," Emily shot back, stifling a smile. At least she's retained her sense of humour... And what in the world have I agreed to take on? Oh wait... I suggested it. What is going to happen? Oh no oh no...

A/N: Guys, I'm not sure if I can upload as frequently because my DAD BLOCKED MY WATTPAD! So I can't update as quickly... Don't complain, I really couldn't stop him. I'm really angry now so... Well, I'm just going to have to type all the chapters out when I can get the time. Sorry :( So I made this one a little longer than usual. DO comment and DO give me criticisms! I love constructive feedback XD

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