Chapter 1. "I'm messing this up..."

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Lilly's POV

"Look! We're here!" Ashley, my best friend, points out the window at a sign that reads 'Orlando, FL'.

"Yep." I said as I looked down at my phone.

"Are you playing Pokemon Go? This isn't the time for it!!" Ashley shouted.

"OMG! A CHARMANDER!!" I squealed as I threw a pokeball at it.

Ashley rolled her eyes. "You see, Mom? She's obsessed!"

"So are you, Ash. You played the whole time here from the airport until your phone died." Ashley's mom, Ms. Eileen, said as she wiggled Ashley's phone that was plugged into the car.

"Dang it! It escaped!" I groaned as the pokeball opened.

Ashley patted my shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss."

A single (yet fake) tear fell down my cheek. I can fake cry when I want to. I think I'd make a great actress.

A few minutes later we arrived at the hotel. Ashley, Ms. Eileen, and I unpacked some things then headed off to Playlist Live.

"Are you excited to meet Bratayley?" Ashley asked as we buckled up in the car.

"Yeah, Caleb's a hottie, but I'm excited to see Markiplier and Jackcepticeye too!" I said.

Ashley laughed. "I know, but he's mine."

"You say that now." I joked.

About twenty minutes later we arrived at Playlist Live and quickly got in line to meet Bratayley.

Ashley has dragged me out of the car running inside the building to go to the Bratayley line.

"Wait! Can't I meet Mark and Jack first?!" I cried as she dragged me in line. We were near the back, but closer to the middle.

I honestly was excited to meet Bratayley, but more excited to meet Caleb. I mean, come on, he's hot! Who wouldn't want to meet him?


It was finally our turn. Annie waved us up and Ashley and I said hi.

Well, I said hi.

Ashley's jaw fell wide open and she started fangirling.

"Hi, I'm Ashley! I've been watching you all since 2011 and I'm so happy to meet you! AHHH! Can you follow me on Instgram and can you have my number and can we take a pic? Oh and Caleb you're hot!" Ashley took out her phone and have them all her information.

Caleb awkwardly laughed. "Uh, thanks?"

While Ashley took her pictures I waited for mine. She stood aside as I took my pictures.

Caleb smiled at me. "What's your name?"

"Lilly." I said shyly.

"You're really pretty." He said out of nowhere.

I blushed. "Thanks, so are you. I mean, you're handsome! I mean, ugh, I'm messing this up..."

Caleb laughed. After we took a picture he gave me a piece of paper. "Text me. I wanna get to keep you better."

"Okay. It was nice meeting you all." I said as I waved and walked away.

"You too!" They all said.

Ashley squealed.

"What?" I asked.

"We just met Bratayley and Caleb likes you!!"

"No he doesn't. We just met, Ash, he doesn't even know me." I insisted.

"Love at first sight." Ashley said.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. It's not like he'll text me back. Come on, let's go meet Jack and Mark."

We ran off to go meet them. They're so cool!! I love how Jack's eyes sparkle and how Mark laughs. Septiplier!


Hours had passed before we were ready to leave. When we got back to the hotel I decided I'd text Caleb.

L: hi this is Lilly from the meetup earlier. You probably don't remember me tho...
C: oh yeah I do! Ur the one who came with the crazy fan girl who thought I was cute 😂
L: 😂 yep that's me
C: tell her I said thanks and she can text me whenever she wants. She seems nice
L: she's freaking out rn but she thanks you
C: well I your welcome her
L: ur so goofy
C: I know 😂
C: anyway where do u live?
L: Maryland
C: me too! Do you live near 1st class gymnastics?
L: about an hour, I train there during the summer. Why?
C: my sister goes there and we live close to it. Maybe we can hang out one day
L: that'd be cool!
C: yeah! Anyway I gtg, I'll ttyl. It was great meeting you though
L: you too!
C: bye
L: baii!!

It was surprisingly really fun to talk to Caleb. This may sound crazy, but I think I like him already...

A couple hours later Ms. Eileen said we should go to bed. Ashley and her fell asleep while I stayed up on Instagram.

While on Instagram, my phone buzzed and showed a text from Caleb. I smiled and replied to his 'hello'.

We texted for hours until it was 3 AM, then he said he had to go because he had to get up early for a Downtown Disney meet up.

C: do u want to join us tomorrow? Like hang with us before and after the meet up?
L: I guess, I'll have to ask Ashley's mom
C: okay cool! Text me later then, hopefully I'll see u there ;)
L: okay, bye
C: bye!!

I plugged in my phone and fell asleep hoping we could see them again.

I guess I should start watching Bratayley now...

...since I think I like Caleb...

Is it bad that I like him already, even though we just met 13 hours and 22 minutes ago.

Okay, it's bad.

But I really hope I can see him again! But time will tell, right?

A/N: A new fanfic! My friend ginnylove12 wanted me to make a fanfic about her but I told her it had to be with Bratayley since this is a Bratayley account!
Unfortunately she's not in the fandom, but she will be soon (heh heh)!!
I hope you liked this chapter (especially you, Lilly!)! If so please vote comment and share!
Until next time ;)

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