Chapter 3. "So when can I see you again?"

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Lilly's POV

I waved as Caleb hung up on FaceTime. Did he really say 'I love you' to me?

And did I really say it back?

I thought he was playing but then I realized it was an accident. It was kinda cute, actually.

I turned off my iPad and continued packing until Ashley said we should go to the pool.

I agreed and we went swimming at the pool outside our hotel.

When we got out there I placed my stuff on a chair before I got into the pool, then I realized who I saw at the pool.

I gasped and almost passed out when I saw him; Markiplier!

" gosh..." I said as I walked up to him. "Y-you're Markiplier!"

He nodded and laughed. "Yep! And who are you?"

"Lilly." I managed to say without stuttering.

"Why don't we sit and chat then, Lilly?" He said as we sat down on a chair.

It surprisingly easy to talk to him, and I had a great time.

Eventually, we had to leave, so I waved goodbye to Mark as we headed back to the hotel.


We were finally home, and Ashley dropped me off at my house. I quickly dumped my bags on the floor in my bedroom and I FaceTimed Caleb.

He picked up and smiled. "You're back!"

"Yep." I said as I started to unpack.

"How was your flight?" He asked.

"Uh, it was a flight."

He laughed. "So when can I see you again?"

I shrugged. "I just got home, Caleb, so my mom and I haven't even made any plans to go to the gym."

He nodded, looking a bit disappointed.

"But I'll talk to her as soon as I can about it, 'kay?" I said.

"Okay. How about now?"

I laughed. "Soon! Anyways I gotta unpack, so I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, bye!" He said waving.

"Bye!" I hung up and began to unpack.

I thought about Caleb the whole time I unpacked. I hope to see him again soon...


A week later, Mom and I walked into the gym. I convinced her to sign me up because I wanted to do gymnastics all the time, not just in the summer.

Plus it's an excuse to see the Bratayley family.

I walked in and waved at Annie. She grinned, ran over, and hugged me.

"You're here!" She squealed.

"I know! I'm so excited!!" I said as Annie and I walked out on the mat.

We began to stretch when I asked, "So, is Caleb or Hayley here?"

Annie shook her head. "No, Caleb's at baseball and Hayley's at a friend's house. But Mommy is picking up Caleb and bringing him here after his practice."

"Oh, okay." I said, pretending not to be excited.

"Is he your boyfriend?" She asked as she did a backbend.

"What? No! I just met him!" I exclaimed.

"Mmhmm. Sure." Annie said as she prepared to do a back handspring.

"I swear, Annie. We're not dating!" I insisted.

Before Annie could respond Coach Mary called everyone out to practice.

"We'll finish this later." Annie said as we jogged over to the others.

I really didn't want to.


After practice I ran over to grab my stuff. Mom texted that she was outside waiting in the car, and I texted back that I'd be out there in a minute.

Right when I was about to leave, Caleb walked in with his mom wearing his baseball uniform. He looked so hot in it.

"Lilly! You came!" He said as he hugged me.

"Yeah, I did." I said as he pulled away.

"Do you like it so far?"

I nodded. "Yeah, it's great! So, how was your practice?"

He shrugged. "The usual, I guess."

I nodded. We stood there for a few seconds before I realized I had to go.

"Oh! I have to go, I'll talk to you la—"

"Lilly, wait!" Caleb grabbed my shoulder and turned me to face him.

"Please make it quick, Caleb! My mom's waiting outside!" I pleaded.

"Can we hang out this Friday? We could go to a movie or hang at my place." He said.

"I'll ask my mom and text you later, I have to go!" I said as I ran out the door.

"Okay, bye!" He shouted as the door slammed shut.

I climbed into the car and asked Mom if we could hang out.

"Sounds good to me. Just get his address and I'll take you there around 2." Mom said.

I nodded as I texted him. He gave me his address and told me he couldn't wait.

And I couldn't wait, either.

A/N: Ugh this chapter sucks! It's honestly so boring. Hopefully the next chapter will be better though!
I hope you guys liked it though! If so please vote comment and share because I love hearing feedback from you all!
Until next time ;)

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