I suggest reading my story "Opposites Attract" before reading this book. You may think you know House Of Anubis. But not like this.
Mystery and danger surround new girl Nina Martin when she becomes the eighth student at Anubis House. When Nina rec...
During lunch time in the school hallway, Alfie decided to show Jerome this mask that her got over the summer. After putting it on his head he "attacked" Jerome's stomach and started making weird growling noises*
Jerome-(he was laughing and annoyed at the same time) "Get off! Alfie stop!-" (Patricia interrupted them)
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Patricia-"Have you guy's seen Joy?!" (she asked worried)
Alfie-(Alfie mummbled) "dahn dah ta da, ummn ugh!" (Jerome laughed the translated)
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Jerome-"yeah she about this tall, (he held up his hand to his shoulder marking her height that short) dark hair, brown eyes..." (he smiled while joking)
Patricia-"Ha-Ha (she faked laughed) you know I've just been to sweeties office and she's not there."
Jerome-(he got all serious) "Maybe she's gone back to the house."
Patricia-"yeah.." (she walked right between them both and as soon as she left Alfie attacked Jerome again)
Jerome-"No stop it!" (trying to push him away)
*Back at the house Nina was just about finished putting all of her things away. She just sat there looking at a photo of her gran that she place on her desk. Suddenly and girl walked in the room yelling, looking for someone.*
Patricia-(she opened her door) "Joy I've been.. (she was surprised to see a different girl on Joy's bed and reacted) WHO ARE YOU?!"
Nina-(she stood up) "I'm Nina, New, American obviously..-"(she grinned)
Patricia-"Who cares! Where are Joy's things! (she looked around the room) WHAT'S GOING ON?! (Her eye's found there way to the trash can where a photo of Joy and Patricia was crumbled up and thrown into) DID YOU DO THIS!!?!" (she took it out of the trash)
Nina-"No I just got here! (Patricia grabbed Nina things and started throwing them out of the room.) Hey what are you doing? Please stop, Victor had told me that Joy had left!" (Patricia suddenly stopped at the sight of her phone)
Patricia-"With out this! (she turned around and faced Nina) THIS IS HER PHONE! (she held in her hand and Nina looked scared) Did you steal it!?"
Nina-"Not a great strategy for making friends, showing up and stealing stuff!" (Patricia then found a stuffed animal that belonged to Joy)
Patricia-"And this! This is Joy's as well!" (she took Nina photo of gran and went into the hallway)
Nina-"No, No, no, I meant it, you can't take that!" (Patricia stopped walking)
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Patricia-"I don't know who you are, or where you've come from! BUT YOU ARE NOT MY ROOM MATE! Joy is, now where is she! (Nina stood there unable to speak) Did you hear what I said! Where's Joy?!"
Nina-"Okay, can we start over, (Victor came down from the attic and saw them arguing) I'm Nina from America. And unless Joy is hiding underneath that been, I don't know where she is. The room was empty when I got here."
Nina-"Okay, I'm sure we can discuss this in a more mature way-" (Victor intervened)
Victor-"Patricia Williamson, what is going on?" (he walked up to them)
Patricia-"That's what I'd like to know (she said with attitude) Where's Joy?!" (she demanded an answer)
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Victor-"Joy has left."
Patricia-"what? What do you mean she's left?!"
Victor-"Her parents came to school this afternoon and removed her."
Patricia-" But that's impossible.. (Nina stared at her sorry for her) why would they do that?"
Victor-"I have absolutely know idea." (Patricia was so confused)
Patricia-"Joy would never leave without saying goodbye, or without her phone, or bunzibuns" (Joy's favorite stuffed animal)
Victor-"Give them to me, I'll forward them in to her." (Patricia looked at the items) GIVE! (She handed them over to him) Now clear this stuff up up and put it back in the room-"
Patricia-"NO WAY! I'm going to find Joy, and find out what's going on.." (she stormed off and went down stairs)
Victor- "PATRICIA! Come back here!! (He liked at Nina who was shocked. Be picked up somethings off the floor and handed them to Nina) Supper will be ready in 10 minutes." (he then made his way out of the girls hallway and back into his office. Nina stood there surprised and confused. She went back into the room and replaced everything in hopes Patricia wouldn't move anything. She then realized if Patricia is home then the others must be to. But she was scared that they might hate her to. So she stayed in there for a while. Meanwhile, everyone was down stairs gathered in the living room and they all listened to Patricia complain and yell.)