Chapter 8: Sarah/The Locket

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*The weekend passed and Monday came. Everyone was getting dressed and heading down for breakfast that was at the table.*

Patricia-"Joy defiantly would have called me by now, I'm telling you something happened to her!!" (she said walking with a bowl of fruit to the table and passing it to Jerome)

Jerome-"Patricia, give it a break, you driving me crazy!!" (he was annoyed and final snapped at her not regretting it)

Mara-"Jerome! (she said shocked and a bit angry) Some of us are worried for Joy, even if your not!" (he mocked her but then let it go)

Amber-"did you get a response to that email you sent her last night?!"


Fabian-"It's difficult when we don't know what else to do."

Patricia-"Question the newbie!! That's what!" (she said like she had plan)

Fabian-"she has nothing to do with this Patricia, she just has... really bad timing.." (he defended her even though she wasn't there)

Patricia-"What about last night! that business with the mirror (Jerome laughed a bit making everyone look at him and Patricia looked at him angry) What? You don't believe I saw anything, do you?"

Amber-"Yes, we do, it's just that.. Mick said he saw Alfie hanging around the girls dorms last night" (she said making it sound like it was Alfie)

Patricia-"Not even Alfie would stoop that low, and sneak into the girls bathroom and do something like that.." (Jerome looked at her confused)

Jerome-"Are we talking about the same Alfie?!" (he continued eating his food)

Fabian-"So who do you think did wrote it then, Joy?"

Patricia-"I, I don't know.... Maybe Nina wrote it to drive me crazy! (Jerome started laughing again) Where is she anyway?"

Fabian-"going to school early I think."

Patricia-"oh.. so she's a geek as well as everything else!" (she complained, and Jerome laughed again) 

Fabian-"I think it's more about getting away from us" (he stated and Mara nodded her head) I mean, we've hardly been very welcoming."

Mara-"I know, I've been thinking that too. I feel a bit mean." (Jerome sat there annoyed by there voices. Patricia couldn't believe what she just heard from Mara, but let it be and just ate her food.) 

*on the outside of Anubis house, Nina was walking to school when she noticed an old lady on the side walk and walked up to her.*

Nina-"Oh sorry, are you okay?" (she sat the old lady down on the bench that was right there)

???-"That's my house" (she pointed to Anubis House)

Nina-"ugh..I don't think so.. it's a school."

???-"No, that's my house!" (she again looked over at Anubis house. thinking she maybe confused Nina played along)

Nina-"Okay, it's your house. kind of suites you.. (she was referring to the age of it) um.. If you could tell me where you really live, I could take you back. (she said in a friendly way) Oh here, (she took off her jacket) you must be cold." (she placed it around the lady)

???-"It's you, isn't it? (she grew a big smile on her face) I knew you'd come.." (Nina was confused) 

Nina-"umm, I'm sorry, I don't know-" 

???-"Sarah..! Sarah, my name is Sarah!" (she said kind of weak, but excited)

Nina-"Okay, Sarah, why don't you come inside for some coffee-" (a scared face grew on Sarah's face)

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