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Great, first day back and I already want to go home

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Great, first day back and I already want to go home. Why the hell is it so hot in here?! And why does it smell like straight ass? Bitch, it's 9:30 am, why the fuck does y'all ass already stink? Luckily for me, this is a lecture and I don't have to interact with anyone because Lord knows if I have to smell morning breath in this already miserable morning, I will go apeshit. I'm just going to sit here, look cute and take notes so that I can get the hell out.

"Is this seat taken?"

"Uhm no go ahead"

I swear there are so many seats open and this guy decides to sit next to me. Unbelievable.

"Hey, you mind telling me what I missed since I just came in?" The already annoying guy asked.

"Nothing really, just introductions." I replied nonchalantly.

"Do I know you from somewhere? Cause you look really familiar."

"I don't think so. I've never seen you before."

"Yeah most def, cause you would've remembered me if you saw me." He said with a smirk.

A smirk that I returned with an eye roll. Let me just remove myself from this conversation before I say something that's going to hurt his feelings.

"I'm Cristopher, what's your name cutie?"

Did he just? Hell no. He's not even cute.

"Not interested." I said politely.

"Damn that's cold, you not gone give homeboy a chance?" He asked disbelieved.

*Smile and look away*

Cristopher mutters bitch and turns around. The fuck?! See this is why my ass wants to always stay home. Because guys like these can't fucking comprehend that not everyone wants to fuck in college. The fuck I look like trying to pick up on the first day of class at nine in the morning?! I can't wait to call my best friend Nadia and tell her about this dumb ass.

The rest of the day went as uneventful as I knew it would. Halfway through my third class, I was about ready to call it quits but I knew I was going to regret it if I did that so I pushed through. When class was finally over, I was done for the day. I mindlessly started packing everything up and stood up to head out. Walking out, I bump into someone and just my luck who is it? Cristopher. Really? I couldn't just finish this day off without annoyance?

"Watch where the fuck you're going." He snarled at me.


"I don't know who the fuck you think you are but you bumped into me too. You could've avoided me if you saw me coming, dumbass."


Who do I look like entertaining this clown?! Nope, not today Satan. I grabbed my bag off the floor and kept it moving. As I was getting closer to my apartment, my phone rang.


"BITCH!!! How was your first day?!" My overly excited best friend yelled through the one.

"Damn Nadia, making me go deaf and shit! It was fine aside from this fucking douche that just tried me."

"Hell no, bitch I hope you put him in his fucking place messing witchu!" She was always cussing, I swear.

"Best believe I did. Learned from the best." Nadia was always telling me that I had to stand up for myself more. "Girl he had the nerve to call me a bitch!"

"The fuck! Nope. Sev you figure out all his info cause I'm coming down there and I'm beating his ass!"

"Nadia, you're small as fuck, honey. He will lay you flat. Thanks for looking out though. How was your day?" I asked her as I was making my way into my apartment.

"Girllll Jeremy is just fucking trying it with me right now. Ugh he makes me so mad!" Jeremy was her boyfriend of a year and they were always fighting because of his insecurities that she was going to cheat on him since she had a slip up with her ex.

"You need to sit down and talk to the boy before you guys break up and both of you end up miserable."

"Yeah, yeah I hear you."

"Listen, I gotta go. First day and I already got a shitload of homework to do. Catch up tomorrow?"

"Yeah girl, that's fine. Don't forget that I'm coming down there next weekend. Bitch we funnah get litty!!"

Laughing, "yeah ok bye bitch."

I flopped down on my bed, ahhh at last. This is my last year of college and I couldn't be happier to get the hell out of here and start my career. This year is going to be great, no boy drama just school and concentration. I should really start that homework. Maybe after a nap? No, I have to get shit done. Somehow I started closing my eyes. Yup, definitely after a nap.

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