Chpt. 9

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Klaus's POV

Feelings. I don't understand feelings. What's the point!? What's the point in caring?, In faith?,.... In love?

I'm Klaus Mikaelson for god sake! I'm the bastard son! I'm the monster! I'm the original hybrid! I shouldn't feel anything! and I don't. I don't feel anything for anyone. Except her. Why her? Why Elena? Why did I have to let her in? because I'm stupid that's why. It's just something about her. I don't know what it is exactly but I love her. I haven't loved anyone since Aurora. Hell I didn't even love Helana if I'm being completely honest with myself. Aurora taught me that love makes you weak and vulnerable, and that.... That is my biggest fear. Being weak. I love Elena more than life itself and that makes me weak.... But what if I just stopped? What if I didn't love Elena? It would be so simple to just shut it off. To make all the pain go away. It's not like I would be much different. I don't care about anything anyhow except her, it's like I would just be erasing her out of my life. Maybe I should. Maybe I should prove them all right and be the bastard they make me out to be. Maybe I will.

Elena's POV

"Elena listen to me. You need to calm down. Everything will be fine."

Elijah says trying to calm me down but it's no use. I'm pacing around the living room floor thinking about everything that's happened.

"Maybe Klaus is right. Maybe I should just kill myself and the baby and all the problems will go away!"

I ball my hand into a fist and punch a mirror that's hanging on the wall. The glass shatters everywhere, cutting my hand in several places.

"Look at yourself! You're acting just like him!"

"Maybe that's the problem Elijah! Maybe that's why we don't work! Because I'm so much like Klaus. You keep trying to change me and you can't! I'm nothing like you!"

I yell at him and he's shocked.

"You're nothing like my brother."

"Really Elijah? Because I'm starting to think that I am a lot like Klaus! I keep hurting people, I keep hurting him."

He grabs me by the shoulders

"I'm not trying to change you. I happen to like who you are. This baby is not a mistake."

"You're right Elijah. The baby's not the mistake. The mistake was sleeping with you."

I say lashing out at him. I immediately regret it but I can't think about that right now. I've got got to go talk to Klaus.

I wrap my coat around me as I walk down the street of New Orleans looking for any sign of klaus. Where the hell is he? I grab my phone out of my pocket and check the time. 11:32 pm. I dial his number. Surprisingly he picks up.

"Klaus where are you? We need to talk."

"Well love right nows not the best time. I'm kind of....busy"

He says sounding almost cheerful. I sigh.

"Just tell me where you are."

"Fine. I'm at the park"

I look around at my surroundings

"No you're not I'm right by the park."

I say confused looking around.

"I'm in the trails. Come find me"

He says then hangs up. Okay I'm officially creeped out. I start walking into the wooded trails. I feel like I'm in some sort of horror movie. Waiting to be slaughtered by a ax murderer. Except in this case it's a thousand year old hybrid that is extremely mad at me right now. He's up to something, I could tell by his voice on the phone.


I look around and he's no where to be seen.

"Klaus this isn't funny. Where the hell are you?"

I say again but no reply. I see a glow in the distance and I head towards it. It almost looks like a campfire. As I get closer I see tents set up and a picnic table. But there's no campers. I quietly walk up to the tents and peek inside but there's no one there either. And then I see it. The trail of blood. Oh Klaus what have you done?


Guys I am so freaking mad right now. Okay so I just finished reading book 3 of the vampire diaries and I'm about ready to kms because L.J. Smith just ruined my life. Who kills of the main freaking character!? I've wasted so much time reading these books! And Elena dies!! Like WTF is this!? Her and Damon didn't even get together I am just outraged. My life is ruined. I'm debating on wether or not I should even read the fourth book!? Because I'm crying right now. If you have read the books can you please let me know if Elena comes back and if her and Damon get together!? Like please help me out😭😭😭 thanks for reading my rant.

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