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"Davina please tell me you've figured out what the witches want with the baby?"

Freya asks Davina over the phone. Elijah, Klaus, and I are sitting in the front room awkwardly, Klaus decided it would be in his best interest to come check on Freya after what happened today, but I know he didn't come here to check on Freya. She can take care of herself, she almost made a girls head explode less than a hour ago. He came to check on me. No matter how much he may deny it he still cares. He has to. Doesn't he? Freya hangs up the phone and we all turn our attention towards her.

"So? Does she know what's going on?"

I ask and she keeps looking over at Klaus nervously.

"Freya what is it? I don't think this situation could get much worse."

I assure her and she raises her eyebrows.

"You may want to think again. Davina said that the witches caused you to have the baby because... It's destined to bring death to Klaus. And my guess is that those guys that were here earlier, were from Klaus's sire line. Somehow word has spread about the baby and everyone in Klaus's sire line is going to want you and the baby dead."

okay, I was wrong this just got a hundred times worse.

"So you mean to tell me that that thing is suppose to kill me!?"

Klaus ask gesturing to me in disgust.

"Klaus, it's just a baby. How is a baby suppose to kill the original hybrid?"

I ask crossing my arms.

"It's not going to be a baby forever! What about in twenty or thirty years when it's all grown up!?"

the room goes silent.

"Kill it"

He says and I look up


"Get rid of it"


I scream at him. I pick up the lamp on the coffee table and throw it at him, it hits his shoulder and shatters. Before I know what's happening we're shoving and cussing at each other. Elijah comes in between us and try's to break it up, but Klaus just throws him against the wall. Klaus grabs my shoulders and slams me up against the wall.


He yells and tears start to well up in both of our eyes.

"Kill it or I will."

He says then let's go of my shoulders. He storms off before anyone can see him cry. I put my head in my hands and slide down against the wall.

What have I done?

Klaus and Elena (Book 3 the final book)Where stories live. Discover now