Chapter 3

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Harry's POV

It's after 8:30 and we've finally closed shop. I got the hang of stacking the damn books around six and the whole time I was working, Louis watched. He watched everything I did. I don't think he was ordered to, so I don't get why he was. In fact, he was watching me now.

We were sitting behind the checkout counter, waiting for the last few people to leave. He just continuously stared at me, burning a hole through my head. I glanced up at him and he quickly looked elsewhere. I looked back down at my hands and his gaze was on me quickly.

"Is this all for you?" Louis was now checking out some elderly woman. This gave me a good opportunity to look him over without getting caught. He had nice back muscles I noted, and he was basically flawless. There weren't blemishes or anything out of place on him. I kind of wish I was him or at least friends with him. I figure he has girls all over him. Girls found me attractive and he was definitely better looking than me.

Louis hands the old woman her bag and she walks away briskly. He turns to look at me, smirking.

"You know Curly, you shouldn't check people out, even if you think they can't see you." Louis folded his arms, while my mouth hung open slightly.


"I saw your reflection in her glasses and I could feel you looking at me." He shook his head and laughed, crinkling the skin by his eyes. I just sat there, probably turning fifty different shades of red. Louis laughed again and it seemed to be for no real reason. He was kind of odd like that; laughing randomly all the time. Maybe he was just very happy.

"Let's pick up this bloody mess." He walked around the counter and grabbed a broom and dustpan. I kind of just sat there, mesmerized by him, watching him move swiftly about, sweeping away. I better stop before he notices again. 

I stood up and walked to the opposite side of the store, I needed far away from him. I started straightening up the shelves, lost in thought. Next thing I know, I'm flying through the air and landing stomach to stomach with Louis.

"Well geez Harry, if you wanted my attention, you should've asked." Louis laughed, crinkling the skin by his eyes again. 

"S-sorry. I'm not sure what happened." My breathing was rapid, his lips were so close and I found the urge to- NO. Harry Edward Styles! Knock it off. I pushed myself up and then pulled Louis off the ground.

"You know I'm just messing with you ninety percent of the time, right Curly?"


"Don't take me so seriously, please." He was being very genuine, so I just nodded. "Are you okay? You look a little sick."

"I'm fine" I snapped. Louis looked wounded and that hurt. "Well, I should go.. My roommates want me home before nine-thirty." I power walked past Louis and out the door before he could even say anything.


"Man, I'm really glad you don't have to work on Fridays." Zayn was driving us to the a club. At this rate, I was glad I didn't have to work. The job wasn't bad, but my life was weird now.. Ever since Sunday.

Secrets I'll Never Tell - Larry StylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora