Chapter 11

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Niall's POV (surprise)

"Looks like it's just us two." Liam plops down beside me on the couch, and we really are alone. Louis has to work and the other three have class.

"Yeah." I returned my attention to the game show on in front of me.

"You don't really like me much, do you?"


"You don't seem like you like me very much. You don't, do you?" He was frowning.

"No! I don't dislike you, I promise."

"Then why do you act so weird around me?"

"Uhm, I'm not sure."

"Oh." I flipped off the TV and we sat there silently. I honestly didn't know what was wrong with me. He was nice and I had no reason to be this way towards him, but I just couldn't help it.

"So.. You want to go do something?" Liam was staring at me hard.

"Uh, sure." I couldn't say no, no matter how much I wanted to.

"We should go bowling."

"I've never been before.."

"What! I thought everyone had been bowling at least once before!"

"Not this guy. I stick to food and video games." Liam laughed, but that wasn't a joke.

"Well, today's your lucky day."

"And how's that?"

"Because I'm taking you bowling, that's why." Liam stood up and motioned for me to follow. I got up and trailed behind him all the way to the car. We climbed in Liam's car and he pulled out of the driveway. I definitely felt awkward, which was unlike myself. Usually I was bubbly and friendly with anyone and everyone, but not Liam.

Liam recognized the difference and I could tell he was offended. He was clearly sensitive and I probably wasn't helping anything. Liam was humming but he kept stealing glances at me. I tried not to pay attention to it and just stare out the window, but it was hard not to notice.

We shortly pulled into a parking lot and a wave of relief hit me. I could finally get out of this car and this awkward silence. We walked through the small parking lot and up to the doors, which opened automatically. I'd never been inside a bowling alley, so the whole place would be a new experience.

"What size shoe do you wear?" Liam stopped walking and looked at me.

"Uh, why?"

"Because silly, you have to rent bowling shoes."

"Oh. Size ten." Liam nodded and headed towards a small counter. I stayed where I was, feeling awkward, and just watched from afar. The man behind the counter handed Liam two pairs of shoes and Liam walked towards me.

"Thanks." I grabbed the pair of shoes from his hand and sat down in the nearby chair. I slipped on the shoes and I must say, these feel horrendous on my feet.

"You ready?" Liam was standing in front of me.

"I guess." I stood up and followed behind him to the alleys. I now see that we're literally the only two here. Guess people don't like bowling that much. Liam punched in mine and his name on a touch screen type thing and it appeared on the monitor over head.

"Ya know, I don't know what to do, like how to play?"

"I'll show you, but you need to pick a ball first."

"Okay." I walk over to a rack containing many different bowling balls. I pick up the first ball and it's super heavy, so I go for one a bit smaller. Liam's watching me the whole time, making me feel a bit uneasy.

Secrets I'll Never Tell - Larry StylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora