Chapter 13

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Harry's POV

One month. It's been one month since Louis and Eleanor started dating. One month since my heart was ripped out of my chest. One month of misery and loneliness. Honestly, I think everyone's happy in this house but me. It's my fault, it's always my fault. Louis won't speak to me, hasn't since that day with Hannah.

I didn't realize how much I had cared about him, how much I needed him, until he was gone. There was still so much we didn't know about each other, but none of it mattered. I hate the empty spot in my bed and I so often wish he was there with me. I didn't think someone could make me feel so dead inside.

Louis' birthday is today and even though he hates me, I still bought him a gift. I bought him this brand new cologne from Topman. I had overheard him talking about it with Niall, so I ran straight out to get it. It was expensive, but well worth it. We're suppose to have a get together type thing in a bit and then he's going out with Eleanor. I'd put the gift in his room once he left.

"Harry come on, it's time." Zayn had stepped in my room without me noticing. I sighed, this should be fun.

"I don't know if I want to come down there."

"I know, but you guys will have to get over this at some point." I got off of my bed and followed behind Zayn until we were downstairs. I got off the bottom step and then I saw her. Eleanor had clearly just walked through the door and she had two huge packages with her. Zayn walked over and she handed them to him, I just stood there.

"Hi." She looked straight at me.

"Uhm, hey.." She rolled her eyes and strutted into the kitchen, her brown wavy hair bouncing along. Zayn motioned me forward, so I followed behind him into the kitchen.

"Hey babe!" Eleanor practically tackled Louis with a hug and then they kissed. I cringed hard, my heart breaking a bit more.

Louis' POV

"I'm glad you made it." I stated, wrapping my arm around Eleanor.

"Me too. Which club do you want to go to tonight?"

"Your choice." Eleanor nodded and her attention diverted to the other side of the room. I followed her stare until my eyes landed on Harry. I was hoping he'd hide his sorry ass in his room, but no such luck. That was his thing, hiding, especially when Eleanor was around.

I met Eleanor one of the first days I knew Harry, but we barely had a conversation. Two days after Harry shattered my heart, I was looking for a release, so I went to the club. I ran into Eleanor again and it was her first time back there too. For some reason I was comfortable with her, she was comfortable, so I told her everything I was holding in about Harry.

Eleanor confessed to me that he broke her heart as well because she had really liked him, but he only wanted to sleep with her. Not a surprise, it really wasn't. Me and El exchanged numbers and about a week later, we made it official. I could tell from the very beginning that Harry didn't like her presence, but why should I care? He didn't care about me enough to not cheat, so why should I care.

"Ayeee' birthday boy!" Niall burst into the kitchen holding quite a few gifts.

"Man." I corrected.

"Yeah, yeah. You feel any older, you're twenty-four now!"

"Don't remind me."

"Louis! You should be excited!" Eleanor tugged lightly on my arm and I saw Harry's eyes fall on me. He was leaning on the wall, pretending like he didn't exist.

"I don't want to grow up though." Eleanor smiled lightly, acknowledging what I was saying.

"Alright! Let's open some gifts! Open mine first!" Zayn slung a package in my face. I grabbed it and slowly ripped off the paper. Immediately I knew it was a pair of Toms, obviously I'd love them. I lifted the lid and it revealed the new pair they had just released.

Secrets I'll Never Tell - Larry StylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora