Chapter 5

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Louis' POV

It's been almost two weeks since Harry apologized to me. We're actually friends now, not best friends, but friends. We joke and goof off at work now. He's gotten over working Friday, which makes my life easier. The only bad thing is he notices when I'm upset.

I have issues, I won't deny that, but I don't want him crawling around my super personal life. Every time my depression's eating away at me, he notices and asks if I'm okay with the same sad look and every time I lie and say I'm fine.

I know he'll only buy my lies for a little while. He'll get mad at me for lying and our friendship will fall apart, that's how it works. Liam's the only one who knows almost everything, so he'll probably be my only friend, ever.

"You okay, Lou?" Harry was watching me stack books, again. Oh, and he calls me Lou all the time now. I can't decide if I like that or not.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just lost in thought, I guess." I shrugged and he frowned.

"Alright." He started to walk away, but came back quickly.

"I can't imagine this is that entertaining for you, Curly."

"Sorry.. I was just going to see if you and your roommate wanted to go out for lunch with me and my roommates tomorrow?"

"Uh.. I don't know if I ca-"

"Please, Louis?"

"Fine." I sighed. I caved in way too easy for him, this will probably bite me in the ass later.

"Give me your phone number before you leave and I'll text you the time and place."

"Okay." I continued stacking the books. We had been closed a while and I should've been done a long time ago. I glanced up and Harry was still standing there, beaming down on me.

"What, Harold?"

"I don't know, I just like watching you."

"Cause I'm fabulously attractive, right?" I smirked, expecting him to recoil and shout no.

"Yeah, basically." My head shot up.

"What?" My eyes went wide and I could tell Harry regretted saying anything. He cowers and took off for the back room. Shit. Should I chase after him or not? I stack a few more books and push the cart back to its original spot. Time to call it a night. Well, after finding Harry.

I silently walk to the back room, pushing the door open quietly. Harry's sitting on the bench, hunched over with his face in his hands. It wasn't that big a deal, I don't understand.

"Harry.." He glanced at me, but slammed his face back in his hands.

"I didn't mean it." He groaned and I frowned.

"So, you think I'm ugly?"

"Ugh!" Harry collapsed on the bench, landing on his stomach with his face on his arm. "Why is it so hard for me to talk to you?"

"I'm not likable?"

"That is definitely not it."


"And I didn't mean to call you ugly.."

"And you didn't mean to call me attractive?"

"Well, yeah."

"Harry, I can't be not ugly and not attractive."

"Lou stop, please."

"Fine." I just stood there, watching him lay, admiring him really. "If it makes you feel any better, I think you're attractive too. Here." I placed a slip of paper in his hand, grabbed my jacket, and walked out. Honestly, I think I could throw up right now. I just told him I found him attractive, which he could interpret in so many different ways.

Secrets I'll Never Tell - Larry StylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora