Chapter 8

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Louis' POV

"Harry.." He was beside me on his bed, just kind of staring at me.


"Do you think I'm like gross or bad?"

"No! Why?"

"It's nothing.."

"Louis, tell me."

"People look down on me and they're so awful to me just because I've liked the same sex before, that I can appreciate an attractive male too."

"People are stupid."

"Maybe, but maybe I'm the problem. I mean, so many people tell me that, so shouldn't it be true? I'm an abomination, remember? I'm the queer that ruins everyone's life, I'm the stupid and awful one."

"Louis you are not! You're perfect! One hundred percent perfect! If anyone thinks different, well, they clearly don't know you well." Harry was super close to my face now and he was very flustered by the conversation.

"I'm not perfect, far from it."

"Whatever, Lou."

"It's true, let's not be naïve here." He frowned and just kept silent. We sat there, silently, for a good five minutes. Harry abruptly sat up again, startling me a bit.

"I'm sorry people were mean to you."

"It's not your fault."

"What did they do, say? If you don't mind me asking?"

"Awful things, such awful things." He looked on the verge of tears and I didn't get why. "Don't worry your pretty little curls over it."

"I can't help that I care about you Louis."

"You should probably try though."


"It's what would be best for you."

"I hardly see how."

"Harry, it just is. We shouldn't even be friends for your sake. I'm such a wreck, and I don't want to wreck you in anyway."

"Louis, you're not a wreck. You've been hurt a lot, but you're not a wreck."

"Harry, you don't have the slightest idea how awful I am."

"Well, maybe I want to, but you won't let me, will you?" I simply shrugged. What do I say to that?

"Lou.." Harry's hand touched my face, turning it towards him. What even.

"Harry what are you doi-" I was cut off by his lips meeting mine, gently. It kind of felt like a butterfly landed on my lips for a second but quickly flew away. My eyes stayed closed even after Harry's lips left mine.

"Sorry, I just, I, uh, needed to do that. I'm sorry." Before I had time to think, my body started acting. I was on Harry quickly, are lips hitting harshly. It was as if he was as eager to snog me as I was to snog him, impossible. Our lips fit perfectly in synch and Harry slowly pushed me down on my back. His hips started grinding into mine, making my hunger for him stronger.

"What the fuck?" Harry pulled away harshly, both of our heads swinging towards the open bedroom door. Zayn and Liam were both there. "Harry, can I talk to you? Downstairs?"

"Uh.." Harry looked at me, kind of asking for permission with his eyes. I granted with a nod and he stood up and left with Zayn. Liam just stood there with his mouth hanging open. He was probably less shocked than me. Why would Harry snog me? He could do better, and besides, he was straight, right?



"I told you so."


"You like him and you know it, I know it, and I think Harry knows now too."


"You're not going to deny it?" I shook my head no. "I'm proud of you for that Louis."

"Thanks, I think." Liam started to walk off but stopped.

"Uh, what happened to your head? Why's there a bandage?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you later."

"Okay. By the way, you guys are cute. Just be careful, please." Liam winked and walked away. Did all this really happen? I just snogged Harry and my best mate was okay with it, or at least seemed to be? Wow.

~Hey guys. For anyone actually reading this, I know this was a super short update and I apologize. I don't think many people are reading this, so with school and all, I probably won't update often.. Unless a bunch if people start reading it. Xx. ~

Secrets I'll Never Tell - Larry StylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora