Chapter 1

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Harry's POV

My alarm clock started buzzing like crazy, which is funny because it's Saturday and I don't have classes. I rolled over and smacked it hard, looking over to see Niall and Zayn giggling.

"You guys think you're hilarious, don't you?" I groaned and stuffed my face into the pillow.

"Sorry, man." Zayn laughed in a mocking tone.

"Harry, you're mum wanted you to job search today, so we thought we'd help you get an early start." Niall snickered.

I thought roommates were suppose to be awesome, but I'm finding out they're not. I guess we were housemates however. Sure, my mum wanted me to find a job, but not at seven in the morning. We didn't even share a room, we lived in a flat, so there's no reason for them to be in here.

I quit my old job at the bakery and figured I wouldn't have to get a new job for a long while. However, I was wrong. My family has money, so going to Uni was no big deal on the money side. I'm not snobby, ask anyone, but my mum doesn't want me to become ungrounded. She also found out about my hookups and got really angry. I have quite a thing for girls, always have, but apparently one night stands aren't good.

So, mum's demanded that I get a job, or else she'll cut me off. She said it will build character, keep me grounded, and keep me from partying and hookups. I roll over and rub at my eyes, noticing between rubs that Niall's intently staring at me.

"What?" I look at him cautiously.

"Nothin'. Where are ya gonna go?"

"Not sure yet. There's some shops on campus I may try." Niall nodded and I stood up, grabbing my clothes from my dresser. I padded out of my room and down the hall to the bathroom and, of course, Zayn's in there.

"Seriously, man?"

"Sorry, but I have to make sure I look good." I rolled my eyes as he walked past me. I closed and locked the door, then stripped myself of my boxers. I turned on the shower and waited for the water to heat. I stepped in, enjoying the immediate temperature change. I quickly lathered my curls in shampoo and moved through my shower routine.

While I was getting dressed, I drew a smiley on the fogged up mirror. I did this because it annoyed Zayn and that's always fun. I pulled out my hair dryer and went to work on my hair, the longest part of the whole process.

After my hair looked pretty good, I stepped out of the bathroom and dropped my towel and boxers into a clothes-hamper outside the door. I quickly walked down the hall and into my room so I could slide on my shoes and get going. I wanted out of here before Niall could sucker me into making him breakfast.

I walked downstairs and stopped for a granola bar in the kitchen. I grabbed my jacket and walked out the door. I could drive but I'd rather walk, even in the cold. The nearest shops were about a minute walk from the flat anyway. I found myself in the front of a large book store that held a Starbucks inside.

Book Emporium was rated high on the list of UK bookstores. Lots of people would travel hours for this bookstore, but I've never understood why, to me it was just a room full of overpriced books and coffee. I like Starbucks, but not that much.

I swung open the door and stepped in. My nose immediately filled with the smell of coffee and I was quickly greeted my a tall, muscular man.

"Hello, welcome to Book Emporium. Can I help you find anything?" He was too friendly and it made me want to gag.

"Uh, I was going to ask if you might be hiring.."

"Actually, we are! We were just about to put a help wanted sign up."

Secrets I'll Never Tell - Larry StylinsonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora