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Chapter 14
{music for the chapter:// Stolen Dance by Milky Chance}

Laughing, I lift my arms in the air, feeling the wind whoosh past me. The boat turns sharply and I cling onto the side, giggling like a maniac. This is the most fun I've had all year. I need to get me a boat.

"Having fun there?" Hunter calls from behind, and I flick my head around, smiling brightly.

"Absolutely! This is amazing!"

Hunter beams, and looks at me in a way I can't explain. It's like a mixture between admiration and amusement.

"You want to try?" He gestures to the wheel, and I nod excitedly.

"Okay," he says, patting his lap and grinning like a madman.


"I know. I'm a genius."

Still, I sit on his lap, mockingly glaring at him as he winks at me.

"Okay, this handle here is for the speed, and the wheel is for steering. Pretty self explanatory, don't you think?" he remarks, and I lightly punch him on the shoulder.

"Shut up you imbecile."

"That's a big word."

"Yeah, to go with your big ego."

"I'm touched." Hunter places a hand over his heart, earning another punch from me. I start the boat back up, realising we've been drifting, and increase the power. Steering around in circles, a huge smile is plastered on my face. I can feel Hunter watching me out of the corner of my eye, and I suddenly feel self-conscious.  Don't let anyone too close, remember? I clear my throat and slow the boat, easing it to a resting point. I slip into the seat beside, trying to become distracted with the ripples in the water.

"Hey, what happened? You okay?"

"I'm fine," I say, meeting Hunter's soft gaze.

"You don't seem okay. Did I do something? I regret whatever I did, I promise."

I chuckle softly.

"Don't worry, it's not you. It's me."

He lets out a short laugh. "That's what they all say," he sniffles mockingly, and I softly punch his shoulder. He catches my hand and traces my palm with his finger, making me shiver. His hand is so soft, yet so comforting and string. I feel so safe in his presence, like he could protect me for anything.

"You know, even though I haven't known for long, I will always be here if you need me. For anything."

I nod, my eyes lifting to his ocean blue ones. They hold so many secrets that I want to discover, but I know if I get too close, it will end in disaster. I also know he's not worth losing, whether he hates me in the process. I place my other hand over his, his skin warming my palm.

"And I you," I whisper. He leans forward and kisses my forehead ever so gently, like a feather brushed across my skin. I close my eyes, leaning my forehead on his, wanting to savour the moment for as long as I can.

"We'd better get back," Hunter says after a while. I lean back and nod, giving him a small smile. And with that, he starts the boat up again and drives back to the peninsula.

I watch him as he drives the boat back, standing tall and powerful, and I can't help but think if we'd gone to school together that he'd notice me at all. He's the type of person who draws people in by just being him. He's so cheerful and friendly, and compassionate. He probably wouldn't have even seen me; I would have been another shadow to him. Then again, nobody really notices me, so what was one more person?


Docking the boat, Hunter holds out his hand for me, and I accept it with a grin. The sun is setting and has already covered half the house in darkness, hidden behind the trees.

"Thanks," I say breathily, smiling up at Hunter.

"Anytime." The corners of his eyes crinkle as he gazed down at me. I suddenly feel self conscious, and lower my face to the ground, tucking hair behind my ear.

"Don't." Hunter lifts my face to meet his.

"Don't what?"

"Don't look away from me. I like when you watch me."

I let out a short laugh. "Okay, creep."

"I didn't mean it like that." Hunter stumbles over his words, trying to find the right thing to say. "I just mean I prefer looking in your eyes then at the top of your head."

I'm silent for a while, my eyes slowly creeping up to meet his. All I see in them is sadness, and hope, and I realise this is the first time he's let his guard down. He's not hiding behind this fun loving guy now; he's himself and it's completely different. I reach out and touch his arm, giving him a small smile. He looks down at my hand on his arm, suddenly pulling me into a hug. I'm startled at first, but hug him back, feeling his strong arms enveloping.

"It's hard sometimes, looking at you," I confess. "I feel like I'm not good enough to be hanging out with you."

Hunter pulls away, and I know I've said too much. Turning, I start to walk up to the house.

"Sydney." His voice stops me in my tracks, emotional yet controlled. I face him and see his stare locked on me. "You're more than good enough for me. I don't think I have ever met anyone so amazing in my life. "

I scoff. "Yeah, sure."

"I'm serious. I don't know why you think so low of yourself."

I almost tell him why, but quickly catch myself. "Look, I'm sorry. I'll see you at 7, okay?"

He watches me for a second before nodding and dropping his head. I spin around and head back into the house, scolding myself over and over again.

You're not good enough.

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