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Chapter 15
{music for the chapter:// 1973 by James Blunt}

I stare at the two outfits lying on my bed, mocking me. They're both so boring but I can't find anything else. I know I should have packed nicer things, but I didn't really expect to be going out on a date. Sighing, I collapse into my chair, my brow creasing in frustration.

"Why does this have to be so hard?" I yell, my hands in fists.

I've never been one for dating and boyfriends. I don't think I've ever had a boyfriend. Dating was not my strong suit. It still isn't. I can barely get dressed in the morning for school, so something as important and stressful as this is doing my head in.

"Sydney? Are you okay?" My mother pokes her head into my room and, seeing me slouched in my chair, steps in quietly. She spots the clothes on the bed and a smile smile creeps onto her face.

"Doing anything special tonight?"

I groan. "I'm going out with Hunter somewhere."

"Like on a date?" Her auburn hair shimmers in the setting sunlight.

"Something like that," I mumble.

She crosses the room and looks at the choices I have on my bed. "What else do you have?"

I point to my suitcase. She picks through there for what seems like ages, and I let my gaze fall outside, to the cerulean blue lake and the vibrant trees surrounding it. If it wasn't associated with my parents, maybe I would enjoy it more.

"Here," my mother says, holding up a pale pink dress.

I frown. "I don't remember packing that."

"Well, I think it would be perfect for your date."

I smile and stand up, taking the dress from her hands. "Thanks."

She nods. I lay it on my bed and look for a sweater that would go with it.

"I know things have been tough this past year," my mother begins. "I'm just glad you're not too affected by it. It's been hard for me, and I know I've neglected you. It hasn't been fair on you, and I'm sorry for that. Just thinking about it-"

I walk over to her and wrap her in a huge hug. "I can't think about it anymore either. It's too difficult. But I'm beginning to accept what happened. Maybe you should too."

She sniffs and pulls away, placing a gentle hand on my cheek.

"I wish I was as brave and strong as you." Her puffy red eyes look like they're about to burst again. "Have fun on your date."

With that, she walks out of the room.


I stand nervously by the front step, my foot tapping on the marble patio. All done up, I'm waiting for Hunter. He said he was going to be here at 7, but it's already 7:15.

"Where are you?" I wonder aloud, the area suddenly looking ominous and threatening.

I debate going back inside but I see him emerge from his house shouting. I'm too far away to hear what and who he's shouting about.

I press against the door, letting the cool evening wash over me. I try not to eavesdrop, but snippets of the conversation are carried by the breeze, shouts of "I hate you" and "leave me alone" echoing around.

Hunter suddenly slams his front door and stalks over to me. His brows are furrowed together in frustration as he storms over. I let out a small squeak, immediately thinking this is a terrible idea. I should go back inside and bury myself in some book, but he arrives by my front steps.

I suck in a breath and step out of the shadows, the ghost of a smile playing on my face. Hunter looks up, meeting my eyes, and I can almost hear the slight intake of air. Blushing, I glance over him. His button down shirt and jeans suit him well, the fabric hugging in all the right places. He's rolled the sleeves up, making the entire outfit handsome on him. His unruly dark hair flares up in different directions and I just want to run my fingers through it. It looks so soft.

I meet his eyes again, the blue soft and inviting. But I see a storm behind them, one continuing to rage on without prevail. I smile and walk down to him. He lowers his gaze as I stand in front of him. Without thinking, I wrap my arms around his torso and squeeze, trying to suck all the sadness and turmoil out of him. He doesn't look like Hunter with all that anger. He tenses when I make contact with him, but grabs me and pulls me into a tighter hug. Making idle circles on his back, I can't remember when I had felt this comfortable with anyone.

"Sydney," he whispers into my hair, pulling me in closer. I respond by snuggling into him, knowing that he needs this. We stay like this for ages, just two teenagers together under the moonlight.

After a while, he pulls away, and I can tell he's been crying. I look up at him gently and slowly brush away the tears that rest on his cheeks. He closes his eyes, breathing heavily as I run my thumb across his face.

"Are you okay?" I ask tentatively.

"Now I am."

I smile and take his hand. "If you want to talk, I'm here."

Nodding, we make our way to his car. Hunter opens the door for me and I slide in, now nervous. What if I'm too weird for him? What if he decides I'm boring and doesn't want to hang out with me anymore? Thoughts keep racing around my head, and it's all I can do not to voice them when he hops in the car and starts driving down the road.

His hand clutches the gear stick so hard I think he might break it. Carefully, I grab his hand and lace my fingers through his, telling him I'm here if he needs me. He pulls me in closer, pressing my hand against his chest. It calms him as we continue to drive along the little dirt road. I keep my eyes on the road, knowing I might do something drastic if I look at him.

All I can think about are his fingers laced through mine, gripping me so tight that I feel safe. But a little voice in the back of my mind keeps nagging me, telling me what I already know but keep ignoring. You cannot be with him, Sydney. You will destroy him.

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