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Chapter 21
{music for the chapter:// Houston by Austin Plaine}

The slow rumble of the engine fills my ears as I slowly start to wake up. My head is pounding, as well as other body parts, but I try not to focus on that too much. All I want to know is who the hell kidnapped me.

"Um..," I begin, not sure how to properly address a kidnapper.

"Good. You're awake."

"Hunter?" I exclaim, puzzled. "Where are you taking me?"

I can see him hazily, his arm tense as he grips the steering wheel. One of his hands is all bruised up, but I can't seem to figure out why. I sit up, feeling slightly woozy, and clumsily climb into the passenger seat.

"We're getting the hell out of this place, probably this state as well," he growls, an angry side I've never seen before.

"Why? Why are we leaving?"

I see his face morph into surprise, shocked with what I just said, and he pulls over.

"Do you not remember?" he asks, his soft eyes bearing into me.

I scratch my head, trying to think of what could have happened that made Hunter so angry.

"No. The last thing I remember was you sneaking out of my room." I smile at that memory, my face becoming flushed as I remember. His mouth twists into a small smile, but returns to its worried state.

"You don't remember what your dad did to you?"

I look at him, puzzled and scared he found out about my biggest secret.

"What do you mean?"

He breathes in deeply, his eyes downcast.

"Sydney, your father tried to kill you last night."

Suddenly, all the memories flood back to me. The pain, the anger, the numbness I felt. It's like a tidal wave crashing into me, all these feelings breaking me down into an emotional wreck. Sobbing, I curl up in a ball, the flood of emotions hitting me. I feel the car turning and coming to a stop, but I can't get the pain and anger rising up.

"Snowflake," Hunter whispers, wiping away the tears on my cheek. He gets out of the car and comes to my side, opening my door and helping me out. I keep crying, the memories still too present in my mind, as Hunter pulls me onto his lap. He whispers into my ear sweet things, trying to get me to calm down. I can feel tears dropping on my back as he remembers it as well, and my main purpose now is to comfort him. I turn around, wipe away my own tears and take his face in my hands.

"Don't cry. Please," I beg, kissing away his tears. He attempts to laugh, but it comes out as a warbled sigh.

"Sydney," he sighs. "If only I got there earlier. If only I could have protected you."

"Nothing can protect me from that man. The only reason I am sitting here alive is because of you," I choke. "Thank you Hunter. Thank you for saving my life."

He smiles. "Anytime Snowflake. Anything for you."

I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, pulling him close to me.

We sit on the side of the road for what seems like forever, and I tell Hunter everything. I tell him how my father tortured me in the past, when I was little, because I almost killed my mother by being born. I tell him about my sister, and how I was the reason for her death in his eyes. I tell him about all the times he tried to get rid of me, tried to destroy me in some way, but never succeeded.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" Hunter mumbles after a while. I look down at my fingers, intertwined with his long tan ones.

"Because I knew it was useless. Nothing would ever change, and my father would hurt me even more if I told anyone. The police would be dealt with if I went to them. I didn't have any other option," I say. "I can only act civil, because acting any other way would get me killed."

Hunter hesitates, waiting to ask more questions, but is unsure if I can answer. I nudge him and give him a small smile, telling him it's okay.

"Why didn't you just leave?"

"I'm not 18 yet. I'm not even a senior. I'm still by law a minor, and they can have me traced. I can never escape."

"I think I can change that." Hunter gets to his feet and holds out a hand for me. I take it gently and he pulls me into a tight embrace.

"You're safe with me. I hope you realise that," Hunter mumbles into my ear, and I kiss his cheek in response.

"So, what now?" I ask, as calm as ever. I can tell Hunter isn't okay with any of this, and with the manner I am in, but I've learnt to never dwell on things in the past, and block them from my mind.

"Well, I know a guy who can erase you off the map. Completely change you into a new person. Wipe Sydney Lander away." He pauses, trying to read my reaction.

"I think," I start, mulling over his plan. "That is the best idea I have heard in a long time." I pull Hunter into a hug, followed by a deep kiss.

"Good," he breathes, clearly affected by my kiss. "Let's get going then. I'm not letting you get anymore hurt than you are now."

We clamber into the car, and my hand finds his. I squeeze it and hold it to my chest, taking deep breaths.

"I never asked for this, you know? For your help. I don't even know why you're helping me. I'm just some kid you met over the summer and had a fling with. Why do you care about me?"

I know I'm getting into dangerous territory, but I want an answer. I want a reason for his generosity, for his kindness.

He looks at me, his eyes scanning over me, watching my every movement. At this moment I become so self conscious, wishing I had never asked.

"Because Sydney," he says with conviction. "I think I might be in love with you."

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