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Chapter 22
{music for the chapter:// Renegades by X Ambassadors}

Love is a funny thing. It's like the wind. Sometimes there's nothing to be felt, a hot summers day begging for a cool breeze. Other times it's like a hurricane, picking up and swirling you around in its atmosphere, getting you caught up and dizzy from the feeling.

Love is not something I experience often, but I think I had always known I would eventually love Hunter. His smile, his quirkiness, the way he make me feel. They all add up to become a feeling I never knew or felt until today. Love.

"You what?" I stammer, not sure of what else to say.

"I love you, Sydney." Hunter says, leaning in closer to me. "I don't know why, I don't know how; I just know that I am in love with you. And I will do anything to be with you."

Speechless, I try to form a sentence, but can't. So instead, I lace my fingers through Hunter's hair and pull myself closer to him, crashing our lips together. It's a blur of emotions and tension rising up to the surface, all letting go through this one kiss. I moan as he slips his tongue into my mouth, and he takes that as an invitation for his hands to find their way to my waist and pull me closer. We break away and breath heavily, sexual energy filling the car.

"I think I love you too, Hunter," I rasp, my breathing ragged. He quirks a smile and presses his forehead against mine.

"Let's get out of here," he whispers, and turns the car on after I nod. We pull into the road, his hand still around my waist and my hand still in his hair.

We untangle ourselves and settle down. I can tell Hunter is still buzzing with questions, but I'd rather be asked them in his own time without me telling him to.

"Did it feel wrong when we were together, with me touching you and all?" he asks after a few minutes. I turn to him and smile, wishing this perfect boy would never leave.

"No. I've blocked that part of my life out of my mind. It's like someone has cut a piece out of my memories, the ones with the pain and hurt. I can't remember even if I try. What we did didn't feel wrong, it felt like it was meant to be." I reach over and grab his hand, our fingers entwining as we speed down the road.

"Okay good, because if I had known any of this before, I wouldn't have..." He trails off, staring into the distance. I squeeze his hand in reassurance.

Sitting in silence, I can feel the memories of last night slipping away, along with the pain. I don't know why it never sticks, why I can never hold on to them, but I don't mind. It's better if I don't remember them. If I did, I'd probably be in a psych ward with doctors poking and prodding, trying to fix me. Exhaling, I lean against the window, watching the trees flash by.

"What are you think about?" Hunter asks.

I sigh. "Nothing. I'm just at a kind of 'meh' point right now. I don't really know what to think."

He nods in agreement.

"Where are we going anyways?" I sit upright, crossing my legs underneath me.

"Next destination is Chicago, so we need to drive all the way down Wyoming and end up there. Pretty straight forward."

"And then what happens?" I ask.

"We'll be completely different people then. No connection to our past, hopefully. You'll be safe."

"We?" I say puzzled. "You're not coming with me."

Hunter freezes. "What do you mean I'm not coming?" he says quietly.

"I'm not letting you throw away your life because of some random girl. I'm not going to be the one who ruins your future." I object.

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