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Chapter 19
{music for the chapter:// Pull Shapes by the Pipettes}

When I was 7, I began to learn the piano. My mother wanted me to learn because she thought it could help develop my brain and make me more intelligent. It just took up my time and I sucked at it. I quit when I was 12, after my hand being crushed by a bully at school. It was a useless hobby. But Kayla, she was a natural. When she played, it was like she put her heart and soul into the music, feeling every note and tone.

My mother was thrilled that she had a child who could entertain at dinner parties and who she could boast about. I was the irrelevant child, the one my parents tried to hide. I didn't mind. I never was one who liked attention, but Kayla was. She thrived in it. So when she died, I became a disease to everyone. My mother wouldn't speak to me, my father never came home from work, and my friends would ignore me in school. I was the outcast, the messed up one who killed her own sister. I was exiled, and eventually nobody wanted to know my name anymore. It felt awful, but it was what I deserved.

I wake up, my neck in pain and my eyes burning. Blinking, I realise I've spent the afternoon in the car, still in the field. After checking the time, I realise it's already nine, and I should be getting back home. Yawning and rubbing my eyes, I start up the car and turn the wheel, driving back onto the path and soon the highway. The car bumping as I speed, I think about if my parents care where I am. I could be dead in a ditch and they're too busy on their fishing trip to even call. I check my pockets for my phone, realising I've left it back at the house.

"Shit," I hiss and hit the steering wheel. I don't know why I'm getting so worked up over my phone. Maybe I want to know if anyone cares about me enough to call or leave a message asking where I am. Or maybe I'm just angry with the way I left things with Hunter. One way or another, I'm leaving this place tomorrow, whether or not my parents let me.

I pull down the side road and bump down, passing all the houses until I get to ours. Switching off the ignition, I sit in the car, waiting. The house looks so peaceful, lit up by the lights I forgot to turn off. I eventually get out and walk up to the door. Pushing it open, I switch off all the lights downstairs and head up to my room, not bothering to check if anyone's home. I kick my bedroom door open and almost have a heart attack when I see Hunter on my bed, sleeping like he's been there all afternoon. Controlling my breathing, I shut the door and flick off my shoes.

Walking up to the bed, I sit down next to Hunter, the bed sinking as my weight pressing down on it. Hunter stirs but doesn't wake up. I brush my fingers on his cheek, tearing up as I do. I run my fingers through his hair, feeling the silkiness of it.

"I'm sorry Hunter," I whisper, a tear falling on his stoic face. Standing up and grabbing my suitcase, I start to pack up all my clothes, getting everything ready so I can leave tomorrow.

I'm almost halfway done, and it's already one in the morning. I rub my tired eyes and continue, wanting this out of the way.

"Where are you going?" A voice startles me, and I look behind to see Hunter rising into a sitting position, yawning.

"Away," I reply, continuing to pack.

"Without a goodbye?" he asks, his voice husky and deep from sleeping. I sigh and get up, going to sit on the bed next to him.

"I didn't know if you wanted to talk to me after... you know."

Hunter's hand strokes my cheek as a tear falls down, gently brushing it away.

"Sydney, I always want to talk to you," he says softly, wiping away the tear. "It's if you want to talk to me."

I sniff and turn to face him, his blue eyes gazing down at me.

"I'm sorry," I whisper. "I never meant to spring that on you. I just.... I was tired of keeping it in for so long."

I begin to tell Hunter everything, with him stroking my back and listening patiently. At the end, I take a breath and he just stares at me, his eyes never wavering.

"What?" I ask timidly, lowering my eyes.

"I really want to kiss you right now," Hunter whispers in my ear, making my stomach flutter. I smile and gave him, his eyes staring at me like I'm the only person in the world.

"Even after what I just told you?" I say.
He sighs and sits back, running a hand through his hair.

"What happened that day, from what you told me, I can clearly see it wasn't your fault. It never was your fault." He looks at me. "It's not your fault."

I stare and him and can't take it anymore. I lean forward until our foreheads are touching, our breath mingling together. His arm sneaks around my waist, gripping me tightly. I grin before crushing my lips onto his. His lips are soft, like little pillows, making me melt inside. The kiss is so passionate, like nothing I've ever had before, and all I want to do is kiss him until the world ends. He shuffle and deepens the kiss, our lips locked together. I run my fingers through his hair and he lets out a soft moan inside my mouth, making me smile. He grips me harder and presses himself closer to me, edging his tongue into my mouth and sending into euphoric pleasure. I moan and grip his hair, releasing all the stress from the past year. This is what I've been waiting for. He is what I've been waiting for.

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