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(dms between Stiles and Luna)


lunax.; hi

.stiless.; hey lu

lunax.; I need someone to talk to, you're the only one who doesn't seem like the one to push me away at the moment

.stiless.; why what's happened? I'm always here no matter what. but if I don't reply then it's because I'm in class, which is where you should be ;)

lunax.; taking a while of school, so I'm at home and

lunax.; id rather kill myself than go to school at the moment. seems more fun and less painful

.stiless.; something is really wrong, tell me

lunax.; it's just childhood memories coming back and something might happen but death is the option which is sounding more soothing

.stiless.; don't you dare kill yourself

lunax.; no promises

.stiless.; you promise me or I'm ditching school and getting in my jeep to come see you as I know where you live

lunax.; im not promising anything

.stiless.; you know what, screw it

lunax.; stiles?

lunax.; stiles?

lunax.; if you done something stupid, I will not forgive you.

lunax.; I guess you're in class

[seen by .stiless. at 11:20am]

lunax.; so you can read my message and not reply?

.stiless.; im on my way. I'll be around 30 minutes, be safe. Love you💖

lunax,; you make me happy you know that, you dick. Love you too💖

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