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Lunas was looking around the walls. It was the same place with the Nicotine walls. However it came to her realisation that this place was banned for smoking, which made her brain all confused. She could hear people outside her door, mumbling that some certain patients need medical treatment and fast – some were that they should move people into normal wards now but the main one that caught her attention was them talking about her.

"Miss Rivers should have been admitted weeks ago. I believe it might be too late to start treatment for her. She doesn't seem to be in the right mind set to be put under harmful medication" One of the leading doctors said, making the other doctors agree, "I believe that Miss River should be isolated from everyone else. Place her into the ward we never show"

   Luna started to pull her arms at the restraints, trying to break free but they wasn't breaking. She tugged her hands upwards and she tried pulling them out the loop but nothing worked. She was about to try something else but a old nurse came in, injecting her neck to stop her from fidgeting and then started to push her bed throughout the hallways of Eichen House. Everything in her body was paralysed apart from her eyes which meant she could still watch where she was going.

   She witnessed people banging on the cell doors, them screaming from the inside begging them to release them and that they'll will be better next time. She watched as a few patients would stop walking and look at the girl getting transferred – hoping that it would never happen to them. Then Luna's eyes widen as she went down a corridor, people's fingernails were claws, some of them were lizard skinned, they were banging up against the door as they eyes the new girl. At the end of the corridor there was two doors open, one to the left and the right. She strained her eyes so she could see into the right door. There was a man, standing inside what looks like a glass protector. He was obviously a werewolf because every time he hit the thing it would move. His eyes looked onto the girls and he smiled. Making the girl feel uncomfortable. The nurse pushed her into the room opposite, it was the exact same as the one the man was in. She was pushed into the little room inside the room and suddenly stopped. She watched the nurse dragged he bed out of the way and placed on the far wall, and Luna in the now empty spot.

   "The doctor will now come and see you," the nurse muttered as she walked out of the room looking the door and then out the main entrance but turning around to look at the girl, "and make sure you don't make him angry. Nobody likes him angry" and with that the nurse left.

   Luna was left by herself looking around this room which was not familiar to her. It wasn't like the ones where she was before. The walls wasn't a nicotine yellow, they were pure white. She noticed that the glass in front of her had a few hole in them so she could still be heard from the outside, which made her think, could she have visitors down here. The door suddenly flung opened and a doctor – the one from her previous dream – was standing at the door and slowly approached the girl. He opened the other door making his way closer and stopped.

   "Ah, Miss Rivers. What a pleasant surprise, I would have not thought you'd come to this unit. Now I'm going to answer what you're thinking," he said getting out a notepad which he surprisingly carried in his back pocket, "the medication you'll be put on? Only the finest for people in critical conditions like this. Why transferred down here? This is so we can monitor you very careful and people don't suspect a thing. And finally, is this medication going to start now? Well sweetie, I can say that, this is going to be painful" and with that he pulls out a needle and pushed her head to the side and applying pressure because the injection she was given earlier was running out. He pushed with his free hand at where the needle should go and found the right place, and then went grabbing the needle from her side. As he got closer to the skin, Luna kept twitching. She felt the restrictions become lose and she managed to release her hands without him noticing. Just went the needle was placed ontop of her skin she managed to move making him miss and drop he needle right before her.

   "You little shit" he mutters grabbing the girl by the throat and pushing her down onto the bed, he grabbed the needle and pushed her head to the side and without hesitating pushing the needle into her neck making the girl gasp. The pain. That pain was the only thing Luna could think about. The man slowly released her from his grasp and watched as she made a beeline for her neck holding onto it in pain, the girl started struggling, she was struggling to breath, the man smirked picking up the girls notes and walking out the door, "have fun fighting that one"


   The blonde headed girl, shout up in the bed she was placed in and a small whimper came out of her mouth and she grasped her neck. Two people were in the room with her. Stiles was lying next to her while Lydia was in the desk chair watching her. The both shout up to a standing position when she started holding onto her neck and starting coughing. The two standing teenagers looked at eachother and then rushed to her side holding her. The coughing came more frequent and more louder. Her face kept going a different colour.

   Just them Scott and his mom came into stiles room and went right over towards the girl for her aid. Mama McCall looked at the three surrounding teenagers and nodded for them to leave and that's it okay. Which they did, leaving Melissa and Luna. Melissa applied the pressure onto the girls chest making her cough more but soon that came to a halt when the blond rolled over and started to throw up onto the floor. Her breathing started to regulate and she just looked at the women crouched besides the bed and smiled weakly, "thank you, thank you for helping"

   Melissa moved the girl over into the centre of the bed and smiled as she tucked some of the girls hair behind her ear, "it's okay darling. I'm a nurse that's my job. I'm Melissa McCall. Scotts mom, believe we haven't met" she chuckled making the girl smile holding out her hand weakly. The two shook hands, making the three teenagers walk into the room.

   "She was sick on my floor, oh my god, I'm not cleaning that up" Stiles faked gaged making the people in the room laugh, "you all think I'm joking but I'm not. No, I'm not touching sick."

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