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.stiless. — considering what has just happened, you still look unconvincingly happy lunax.

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@truscott; you cannot take photos of the girl which has just woken up

@blydsmartin; have some respect for the girl

@kiraaa; this is nice photography though

@ally.argent; explain

@.stiless.; feeling honesty attack right now

@lunax.; hey, I'm the one who said it was fine. Believe me I'm fine. Absolutely fine

@.stiless.; see? truscott blydsmartin


@blydsmartin; Stiles. Answer. The. Phone

@lunax.; stop it. You're going to cause chaos. And it will come again

@.stiless.; did she just?

@truscott; I believe she did.

@willowjoke; it's started to happen halemaliatate

@halemaliatate; about fricken time willowjoke


This was a filter chapter also, I'm sorry but the plot is only just starting to thicken now

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