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(dms between Scott and Stiles)


truscott; stiles?

.stiless.; yeah?

truscott; are you worried about Luna?

.stiless.; obviously I am. What if she turns out like I did? And this time one of us actually dies? What if it's me? What if it's you? What if it's Lydia? Allison? Malia? Kira? Liam? What if Luna dies?

truscott; we know how to defeat it stiles. We saved you, surely we'll be able to save the girl which you obviously have feelings for.

.stiless.; I just don't want to lose her. I know we have only known her for what? 5 days? But I say she's apart of the pack.

truscott; she is. That's why we need to keep her safe, and I will promise that we will save her.

.stiless.; you positive?

truscott; stiles, I'm positive.

.stiless.; okay, I have to go. Luna going to fall out of the bed...

truscott; okay, speak later.


Stiles helped the girl stay in the bed securely, by sitting at the edge. He watched as she rubbed her eyes and yawning – like she was about to go to sleep, "hey, don't go to sleep yet"

Luna opened her eyes after rubbing them and looked at stiles, "stiles, what am I going to do tomorrow? You have school?" She asked and that made Stiles hum and grabbed his phone to text Lydia.

To Lydia Martin [4:49pm]
Lyds, slight problem with Luna. We have school – she doesn't go to beacon hills high school, what we going to do...

Stiles looked at the girl and looked down at his phone waiting for a reply of Lydia. He knew she'd reply soon as her phone is always on loud no matter what. Stiles placed a hand Luna cheek and brushed away the blonde hair which was covering her face and then he got a reply of Lydia.

From Lydia Martin [4:51pm]
Well I would suggest sneaking her in? But that could end miserable. But if we need to keep an eye on her it would be our only chance. So sneak her in.

Stiles replied right away.

To Lydia Martin [4:52pm]
And do what? Miss class?

Stiles was surprised when seeing the little read button on the phone chat and a reply flash up right away.

From Lydia Martin [4:53pm]
We all have different free periods. Keep an eye on her then. Starting with you and ending with Scott.

   Stiles chuckled to himself and then placed his phone down looking at the girl who was in his bed, "you are coming to school with us"

   Luna just watched the boys face go from a smile to a frown when the girl did the exact same. She just stared at him with a utter disbelief, she was not impressed. "Really? Well I want to sleep"

   "Have dinner first then go, even though I will advise you not too" stiles says and the girl kept staring at him.

   "I will sleep because if I don't I will want to kill you as I can't pull all nighters" Luna said and stiles nodded before muttering 'yeah go sleep'

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