instagram; 20

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   After Stiles and Luna little make out session they decided to give each other a break and not let the sexual tension distract them. Luna was sitting on Stiles lap as she tried to get a photo of his hickey just to tease him with but he has none of it. He continually grabbed his neck hiding it while laughing at the girl above him which had a pout placed perfectly above her lips. He groan moving his hands making the girl smile and place a soft kiss against his cheek before snapping a picture he knew was going to be put on her Instagram in a few hours or minutes.

   "Am I going to get something in return because I allowed you to take a photo of my now claimed neck?" Stiles laughed grabbing her hands gently before bringing them up to his mouth to place a soft kiss.

   Luna nodded her head, bringing her face down to his and placed a light kiss upon his lips and then cuddle down into his chest, "thank you"

   "For what?" Stiles asked as he brushed her hair with his fingers. He was hoping for her to say that she was thankful for him allowing her into his life and an important part. He thought about her saying for allowing himself to like maybe love a girl which was slowly losing her mind to something she didn't know about. But what came out of her mouth made him laugh pulling her into a tight embrace making her scream playfully.

   "For letting me take that photo".


lunax.; just posted a photo

; just posted a photo

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lunax. — sorry not sorry
you're so gonna hate me .stiless.

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@.stiless.; it's tempting, but I just can't hate you. Well, not yet lunax.

@truscott; oh my god. I've so gotta see this in person

@blydsmartin; what? you two? text me now.

@liampup; princess urghhh👑

@lunax.; now, don't be a sour pup liampup

@ally.argent; I didn't know you had it in you girl

@kiraaa; woah

@halemaliatate; keep sexual gesture to yourself please. Not everyone wants to see them

@lunax.; well, maybe I wanted to torment stiles? You know because I'm living under the same roof as him halemaliatate

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