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I'll remember them. I'll remember them. The thoughts which went through Luna's head while she was locked behind the doors of Eichen. When she handed herself over she wasn't thinking right – what she said was not her. She would never admit herself back to the hell hole which modern society called a Metal Institute. Luna was never that insane to do something like that.

She was looking down at her bare feet when the cell door opened. It shown a friendly smile from the councillor. "Luna, I presume"

"And you're the councilwoman" Luna muttered, avoiding eye contact. She felt the women sit besides her, making her move more up the bed, "I'm not a fan of closeness"

"You're in a hospital. Which is going to make your medical health better. Closeness is a key to recovery"

   "The key to recovery isn't closeness. The key to recovery is not being diagnosed insane" Luna snapped back. She wanted the person to leave yet she knew what she wished could not be granted. She knew that whatever happened in this place would effect her for the rest of her life and maybe forever after that.

   The two sat there in silence, the occasional screams from other patients filled their ear drums; but neither spoke. They locked eyes, like they were mentally talking to one another. The buzzing sounds became louder, making Luna flinch, "I can't be here"

The voice was obviously broken, she knew what happened hours before was not herself; someone darker and more dangerous but she let them overpower her, let them take control of her innocence body. She knew the things which took over her was a demon; one which had a violent past, one with a violent future – if not stopped.

The councilwoman knew the session was over, resulting with her nodding silently to herself and standing up, "I'm going to advice you not to sleep – but unfortunately that is going to be impossible with the medication you are on. So my advice for you, just let it happen"


Back at the McCall house, Stiles was standing at the door with a brave smile on his face while looking over at the too. Scott could sense the fear her had, Melissa also knew he was scared just by his face.

"I know what I'm doing can get me classed as insane. But Luna isn't nothing like me, she can be saved" Stiles informed makimg Scott nervous nod his head, "And you guys will be there for me right?"

   Scott raised his hand, grabbing stiles by the shoulder giving him a reassuring shake, "You're are my best friend. I'll be here for you no matter what. Which is why, I'm coming with you"

  "She's probably past the part where the mountain ash is, you won't be able to get there" Stiles said in a worry

   The Alpha shrugged, "if it means I'm helping you. Then I'll do anything"


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truscott – good old jeep journeys with @.stiless.

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@.stiless.; not the time scotty boy

@blydsmartin; where too?

@halemaliatate; without us all?

@liampup; :(

@kiraaa; scott

@ally.argent; where?

@.stiless.; not the time guys blydsmartin halemaliatate liampup kiraaa ally.argent

@halemaliatate; tell us

@truscott; Lydia. Take Kira and Allison in your car to Liam's house. We'll pick Liam up. Explain everything there
blydsmartin halemaliatate kiraaa ally.argent liampup

@willowjoke; you guys are running out of time⌛️


hello. this is chapter 27 I hope you enjoyed.
this was a filter chapter to be honest, I just didn't want to jump right into everything.
NEXT chapter is going to explain everything more clearly!!

hope you enjoyed!

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