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Stiles opened the jeep door yet again and grabbed Luna's hand to reassure her that's she's going to be fine. They walked hand in hand towards the Sheriff Department. But as soon as they walked through the door Luna dropped the boys hand and followed behind him, awkwardly. She noticed that Stiles pretty much knew everyone in this department as he waved and said hi to everyone that walked past and noticed him, but soon Luna was face to face with a room within the department which said a massive 'sheriffs office' on the front. Stiles opened the door and gently pushed Luna in and followed, closing the door behind them.

"Hey Dad," Stiles said waving to his father who was looking down at some files, but he moved his gaze up from the papers and saw his son standing with a girl which looks terrified, "this is Luna, I was wondering if she could stay with us for a few days – maybe a month or so if it's fine with her parents?"

The Sheriff looked at his son and asked a question which he was not looking forward for the answer, "did you kidnap her? Because if you did, I don't know what to do with you" which lead to Stiles and Luna shaking their heads rapidly, "thank lord, and if it's okay with her mom and I speak to her, then I shouldn't see the problem. But if you bring her into this mischief you do"

Luna questioned, "mischief? What does he do?"

The son and father shared a glance at eachother but shook their head, saying no. Stiles grabbed Luna and sat her down on the sofa which was in the room and looked over at his dad and to the girl at his side and smiled. He adored the girl and he wouldn't know what he would do if he didn't have his dad around. So he appreciated the surroundings.

The phone rung and both Stilinski's looked at the girl getting out her phone which showed her mom calling her. She raised one finger and brought the phone to her ear listening to her mom. "Luna Rivers where are you? And why have you left the house?"

"Mom, I'm fine. My friend came round and wanted to know if I could go out for a while. I'm in beacon hills, it's not that far away, I promise. I'm with the sheriff, no I haven't done nothing wrong. I'm friends with his son. I know I said I don't li– mom!" Luna shouted when her mom kept rambling that she said she doesn't like Beacon County let alone Beacon Hills. Her mom would think she's insane by saying they are here to help me, and they are supernatural. But her mom came to a halt and asked how she is, "I'm fine mom, I want to stay here for a while that's all. Because these are my friends, if you want I will pass you onto the sheriff would will say I'm fine and it's okay to stay at his house. Yes sure," Luna passed the phone over and the Sheriff took the call.

   Stiles just stared at the girl in awe. Until she noticed and smacked his chest, "I have to say this Stiles. At times I think this supernatural stuff is complete utter shit, like now I met you all. It's doesn't seem believable"

   Stiles shook his head in realisation and his father came back over before he could say anything, "you can stop. Just call your mom every few days she said. What's to know your still alive and well" he chuckled. Luna grabbed her phone and walked out of the office and towards the blue parked jeep.

   "Lu–" Stiles shouted and then soon started to run after the girl only to witness her fall towards the floor, "you got to be kidding me," stiles mutter and pulled out his phone and pressed the last person he called who was Lydia, "hey lyds, random call. Meet me at my house? Yeah it Luna, she fainted? Yes she lying on the floor, most likely passed ou– yes I'll get her in the car fine. Lydia, I'll be fine with her. Just meet me" and he pressed the red button illuminating the bottom off his phone.

   His hands phone them under Lunas arms and pulling her up, but he was taking all the weight of her and putting her into the passenger seat buckling her up and slamming the door. He opened the door for the drives seat and sat down resting his head on the steering wheel, "id rather lose my mind all over again than see this" he says and starts the car engine with his most famous face he pulls when stressed out.


I really hated this chapter if I'm honest. Because it's just seems so predictable.
But I'm going to try and make it all better by next chapter.

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