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It was around 5 days later when Luna finally started to talk to people again. At first she started to talk to her mom, just random hellos here and there but nothing more than that. Then when she felt a little more better she started to talk to the pack apart from Stiles. She kept apologising for her death making the pack keep saying it wasn't her fault but it wasn't.

And on the finally day, she finally started to talk to Stiles again. She picked up her phone and clicked on his icon and dialled his number. She placed the phone to her ear, listening to the rings. She sighed as she heard it go to answering machine.

"Hey, this is Stiles and you missed me. Leave a message" The voicemail came through the phone. Groaning she viciously clicked to decline button and threw the phone on the bed. She wanted to talk to Stiles but it was obvious he didn't want to talk to her, mainly because she has ignored him so he was returning the favour.

Sitting down on her bed, there was a knock on the door and in came her mother which held a timid smile on her face, and approached the bed, sitting a reasonable distance away from her daughter. "Luna, honey. I've been thinking"

"Tell me" Luna said as she looked down at the floor in a strop.

"I was thinking that maybe it is best if you got help. You haven't spoke much in the last few day. You have hardly ate. I'm worried about you so is your father and so are you friends" Her mother explained. She had experience with this sort of thing, she knew what was going on inside her daughters mind and it was heartbreaking watching her deal with it.

"So you're going to send me a insane asylum? Back to Eichen House?" She shouted as her phone started to ring. She slowly turned her body so she could answer the call but her mother grabbed her hand forcing her to look at her, "I need to talk to Stiles! Stop"

Her mother shook her, making the girl stop in fear, "Listen to me! Luna your aren't stable at the moment and the best thing to do is get official help. I'm sorry but yes I am. I'm admitting you tomorrow"

Lunas eyes changed. Instead of the soft colour they were, they were a pitch black. Full of angry and betrayal. She through her hands making the mother back away from the bed and stumble out the room, "Betrayal!"

Her phone echoed in the room again and she spun around, snatching up the phone placing it to her ear, "What!" She snapped

The baffled boy didn't know what to do. He had finally give in and allowed himself to hear the girls voice but he wasn't expecting the way it came through the phone, "Luna? It's me Stiles"

"Stiles, hey. Sorry for the snapping. I've just gotten into a argument with my mom" she explained feeling herself turn back to normal.

Stiles nodded to himself but then groaned when he knew the girl couldn't see him, "Shall I come round?"

Instantly the girl replied, "No. See me around dinner time tomorrow. Not earlier"

"Okay, I'm going to go. I'm talking to Scott. I'll see you soon. Stay safe Luna"

Stiles hung up the phone and Luna just broke. She stared at the black phone screen and unlocked it. Her fingers danced across the Instagram Icon before finally pressing it.

"Here goes nothing"


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lunax. — bye bye trouble and pain

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However, there is good news. I have decided that I would make a second book which is the continuation of this book and I can announce that the name is; EICHEN HOUSE.

I know the name isn't nothing special but I promise the book will be interesting.

The book should be updated before the new year! I promise.

I'll update this book again when it's released to let you know!

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