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It was a very beautiful Autumn day. The blazing sun beating down on the leafy hills of Minnesota. Avalon lay sleeping in her warm bed. Surrounded by blankets and pillows. Avalon's mother Jenny came rushing into her door. She shook Avalon and waited for her to wake up. Avalon's eyes creased open and she told her mother.

"I'm up. I've been up. I'll be down in a few minutes."

Jenny left the cozy room shutting the door behind her. Avalon stood up in her bed. She swung her feet over her bed. She was wearing an oversized T-shirt. With a moon on it. She walked over to her full length mirror, and took her brush off her shelf. She started to brush out all of her knots and tangles in her red hair. Avalon slipped out of her shirt and  she slipped into her school uniform.

Avalon Picked up her Dark Red lip stick off her shelf and Put it on smoothly

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Avalon Picked up her Dark Red lip stick off her shelf and Put it on smoothly. She walked down the stairs of the cozy little log cabin she calls home. Breakfast was lay out on the island. There was pancakes, syrup, butter, a butter knife and freshly squeezed orange juice. A plate was made for Avalon. Three pancakes with a slice of butter on each. Syrup spilled over them. Avalon sat down on the barstool and started to chow down. After a few minutes the food was gone. Avalon got up and sat the plate in the sink. She took a towl and washed her face off. Her lip stick still in tack. She unhooked her panda bag off the hooks and road to school. She only lives three blocks away from Gopher Junior High.

Seven hours have passed and Avalon came bursting out of the school building. Other girls and boys buzzing around her. Avalon was talking to het best friends Peppermint and Basil. Peppermint and Basil are Twins. They have been crying and sobbing for the whole day. Avalon had told them her devastatingly horrible news in first period. Avalon is moving to California. In a small town close to L.A called SunnyDale. Avalon hates the idea but its for the whole worlds safety. Avalon a year ago was told that she was a Vampire Slayer, she was told to say in Minnesota until assigned a Watcher. She just got a watcher two weeks ago. Someone named Rupert Giles. Rupert is located in SunnyDale. So Avalon most relocate to SunnyDale. She asked her mother to move to SunnyDale and she agreed.

"Don't leave me!" Peppermint Sobbed.

"Don't abandon us Lonie!" Basil Cried.

"I have to. Plus I'll see you guys in the Summer. My dad is staying at my cabin and taking care of my horse, Medieval Madness. And I will come every summer to see you guys. I promise." Avalon soothed the girls.

They engulfed each other in a huge hug and they all waved goodbye. Peppermint and Bazil's mother always picked the twins up. And Avalon always rode her bike home.

Avalon sat in her room. She wiped away her tears and continued to pack her items. Around 30 minutes later her room was empty besides a stripped bed and a empty closet, dresser, and a empty Vanity. Marc, Avalon's dad, will load those onto the moving truck his self. Avalon picked up two boxes and then put another two on top. Gotta love slayer strength. She walked down the steps and opend the back door with her foot. She bumped into a few things on the way to the car and unloaded the four boxes of her stuff in the back of her moms pickup truck. Avalon walked back into the house and up the stairs. She got her two suit cases and walked to the truck and put them in the back seat of the truck. She jogged over to her barn and opend the huge barn doors. She saw her dappled gray horse with blue chain halter. She crawled in the stall and hugged her face. Avalon put her nose on hers and and they breathed in each others breaths. Avalon put her face up against her horses and as Avalon's tear hit Medieval Madnesses skin her tear touched Avalons. Avalon heard a honk and she knew it was time to go. She waved goodbye and came out of the stall. Avalon kissed her dad goodbye and blew a kiss to her home. She started to walk to the truck but stopped turned around ran to her dad hugged him. And then ran to the truck and hopped in. Then Jenny started the engine and drove away.

Then The Journey Began

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