The Harvest

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"Thats impossible. My slayer has already arrived." Giles doubted.

"Please I can show you I am watch."

Avalon did a back flip right next to xander and punched him in the face so hard his nose started to bleed and he got knocked down.

"A fruitfly could do that to xander." Giles interrupted her victory moment.

"Okay whatever. Sick your slayer on me then." Avalon spat at Giles.

"Gladly. Buffy show her what slayer strength really is." Giles told Buffy.

Buffy stood up and tried to punch Avalon. Avalon grabbed her hand twisted it bent it back and kicked her in the shin.

"Does that prove it?" Avalon interrupted Giles moment of confusion and wow factor.

"Yes, yes, yes it does." Giles answered the snarky comment.

"Sorry about that Buff." Avalon apologized. Avalon took buffy by the hand that she didn't break and took her other one in her palm and Avalon hummed softly. A few minutes later the hand was not broken.

"How did you do that?" Buffy asked in aw.

"I have Native American in my blood. I can be a very powerful native witch if I master my strength." Avalon told Buffy.

"That is so cool." The red head mumbled as she stood up from a desk with a computer on it.

"And you are?" Avalon asked politely.

"Oh I'm Willow you can call me Will if you want." Willow answered.

"Well my name is Avalon." Avalon stated.

Willow put her head back in the computer. Xander got up in pain went to the nurse. He came back with an ice pack and sat down at the table he was currently sitting at. Giles began to talk.

"Okay so we know something huge is coming. But we have still to find anything."

Avalon was hesitant but spoke freely anyways. "I can feel it pumping through my veins. All the blood shed in my visions. If I'm not there then I'm nothing nobody a fool to live!" Avalon passed out.

Avalon awoke on her mothers sofa. It was five a clock school had ended. Avalon stood up and walked towards burning pain. It led her out the door down the street passed a lot of buildings to the bronze She opened the door and walked in it. Her curls bounced when she walked. She took a seat.

Out of nowhere a gang of vampires fled through the doors they stole the stage. A large vampire started to talk into the microphone and a blonde vampire chic was next to him. Avalon snook behind stage and decapitated the blonde girl a few vamps noticed except the large one failed to. A few minutes later Buffy walked in the bronze doors and saw hell on earth broke out. She started to fight the vamps in the crowd while a blackish Brown haired girl was about to be dinner. Avalon hit the vampire in the back forcing him to drop the limp body. He turned around and Avalon threw punches kicks there were no stopping her. Then someone yelled "Avalon help!" in a british accent. In her nature she left the fight and ran to her call. She saw Paris pinned up against a wall with a vampire about to taste her blood. Avalon hesitated but knew it was for the greater good to break a chair take a stake from it and stab the vampire in the heart from the back. Thats exactly what she did. The vamp went poof and Paris was safe.

"Thanks!" Paris yelled at Avalon who was walking away.

Vampires are fascinating creatures! Paris thought to her self.

Avalon saw that Buffy had killed the big guy and all the vampires they didn't kill which was three ran away. Avalon, Buffy, Willow, Xander, and Paris walked toward each other and formed a circle.

"I killed my best friend today." Xander informed the group.

"I met a dreamy guy a few nights ago." Buffy acknowledged everyone.

"I just moved here and I already killed like 17 vampires in one night." Avalon told them.

"I am scard for my life." Willow stated.

"I am more energized then ever!" Paris shouted as a body fell from the roof top.

The group all ran out of the bronze and laughed afterwards.

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