Arriving and Unpacking

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Avalon and Jenny have been in the car for a day five hours and fifteen minutes. Stopping on the way a few times for food and to rest. They found them selves in Los Angeles pretty lost. The town is huge.

"Lets just ask for directions." Avalon told her motger boldly.

"Fine all right." Jenny sighed.

She looked around for someone to ask. She pulled over and saw a man. She opened the door and hopped out. Avalon followed her mother out into the streets of the big town. Jenny walked up to the man and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Excuse me? Do you know where SunnyDale is?" Jenny asked the man.

"Yeah." The man said. He turned around to face Jenny. "I'm actually headed there right now. I can show you if you allow me to." The man added.

"Let me think about.. Um whats your name?" Jenny questioned.

"My name is Angel. Yours?"

"I'm Jenny and this is my daughter Avalon."

"Hi." Avalon almost whispered to Angel.

"Yeah sure you can come along. As long as you show us where the hell were going." Jenny added to her sentence before.

"Okay. This your vehicle?" Angel asked looking at the blue pick up truck.

"Yes you can sit up front with me." Jenny told Angel.

"I appreciate the lift. Ma'am." Angel told Jenny.

And I'll just sit in the back crowded. Thanks for asking mom. Avalon thought to her self. She climbed into the back seat of the truck and Angel Climbed in after.

What type of name is Angel for a man anyways? Avalon thought again.

Jenny started the engine and they started to drive Angel directing them where to go. 15 minutes later they pased a sign that said Welcome to SunnyDale Enjoy your stay.

"If you could drop me off here that would be great." Angel said to Jenny. She pulled over and Angel opened the door and leaped out.

Avalon got out and got in the front.

"He gave me the wigs." Avalon told Jenny.

"Be nice. He showed us to SunnyDale. Without him we would still be in LA." Jenny constructed Avalon.

"What Ever mother."


Avalon unpacked her things. The moving truck arrived earlier with all the things and Marc placed them the same way it was in Avalon's old room. She opend the first box. The first thing that was in it was a picture of Peppermint and Basil. When they were 4 getting ready to go to a football game and Jenny took a Polaroid of them.

 When they were 4 getting ready to go to a football game and Jenny took a Polaroid of them

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