Some Evil Witch

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Avalon sat in her bed brushing her hair. Instead of going to school she would be training in the library with Giles. Not that she won't hate not working on the Europe project with Paris. Avalon went over to her dresser and got her fluffy crop top on and her blue shorts. She applied her lip stick and trotted down the stairs put on a sick face and laid on the couch and waited for her mom to come down stairs. A few sgirt minutes later Jenny walked down the stairs.

"Mom I'm really sick." Avalon told her mother as she poured her cup of coffee.

"Well then sweetie I guess you'll just have to stay home. There is chicken and stars in the pantry if you want some. I'll be home around three thirty." Jenny told Avalon as she walked over to her purse to grab her keys. A few moments later she was gone. Avalon got up and poured her self some coffee. She was not sick. Just tired.


"How can you be dedicating your self to this, this madness? This cult?" Giles was shouting at Buffy.

"Cheerleading?" Buffy asked as she put her pom poms in the air

and shook them.

"Yes and as your Watcher I forbid it!"

"You can't do that." Buffy said with her hands on her hips.

"I agree with Giles you shouldn't be wasting your time playing around with human stuff." Avalon chimed in.

"I will as soon as you stop writing your books." Buffy smiled.

"I wrote that series when I was ten. I became a slayer when I was eleven." Avalon out smarted Buffy.

Buffy trotted out of the library.

"Okay lets start your training." Giles told Avalon.


"Lets start with some easy mediating." Giles stated.

Avalon sat down on the floor and started to clear her mind of thoughts. Fifteen minutes later Giles broke the silence by claping and Avalon. She jumped five feet thats how concentrated she was.

"Now we are going to battle train. Do you have stakes with you?" Giles asked.

"If course. Never leave the house with out them." Avalon answered. She grabbed a stake from her bag.

"Okay shut your eyes and listen to your surroundings. Wher am I?" Giles asked again he liked asking questions.

Avalon grabbed Giles by the collar and pretend staked him in the heart. She opened her eyes and silently said "yes" under her breath. Buffy busted through the library doors.

"A girl caught on fire during tryouts." Buffy blurted out as she sat on a desk.

"Vampire?" Giles asked. Again with the questions.

"No she literally caught fire." Buffy answered.

"Oh." Giles said. He took his glasses of and started to clean them.

The bell rang.

"Sorry Giles got to go." Buffy told Giles as she walked out the doors.

"Maybe its a witch. They can harness energy from emotional feelings. Water for sad. Air for lonely. Fire for Angry. Earth for Love. And Light for happy." Avalon pitched an idea.

"Ma-Maybe. But who would want to target a little girl." Giles questioned.

"Maybe another girl trying out for cheerleading? They would do anything to get on it." Avalon answered.

"Maybe its Amy. She would do anything to impress her mom. Her mom took the team to State when she went to school. They train three hours in the morning and three at night." Buffy told the crew.

"Yea she's right." Willow chimed in.

Lets not give me credit cause I dont want it thanks.
Avalon told her self.

Avalon's anger boiled in a cooking pot in her stomach her eyes went black. She waved her hands at Buffy and Buffy's leg started to burn.

"Ow! I'm on fire! Help! Fire leg!"

Avalon paralyzed Xander and Willow and Giles. Also Buffy. Buffy mumbled a few things and so did the others.

Avalon opened her eyes. She had just daydreamed it.

"Anyways like I was saying Bunnies are adorable." Willow stated.

"No! Bunnies are terrible creatures!" Xander corrected.

"What did I miss?" Avalon asked as she walked toward the group.

"Nothing." Willow and Xander said in sync.

"Hey Willow can you check who checked out books on witchcraft?" Avalon Asked Willow.

"Yea sure." Willow answered.

"No you don't need to. I will!" Xander ran in front of Willow stopping her.

"What are you trying to hide Mr. Herris." Willow said in her teacher tone.

"Nothing you can do it."

Willow sat in the computer desk chair and started working her magics.

"Alexander Herris checked out five books on Witch craft." Willow laughed.

"Shut up!" Xander shouted.

"Nope Amy didn't check any out."

"I like to read in my free time!" Xander shouted.

Avalon looked at Giles watch it was 3:15.

"Oh I got to go!" Avalon hurried out the door with her bag of stuff. On her run to the house she tripped on a fire hydrant. Someone saw her and ran to her. It was getting Dark earlier then usual and it was foggy too.

"Oh god are you hurt?" The man said. He was tall with soft familiar voice.

"No I think I broke my anckel." Avalon told him her eyes shut and her Scottish accent faint.

"Okay I'll run you to the hospital." The man said. Hevm picked her up and ran to the hospital.

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