New Friend or Sprouting Enemy

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Avalon sat down in her first period class; History. The teacher, Mrs. Streets was assigning everyone partners, for the big project. Avalon wasn't assigned a partner yet.

"Ava Woods?" Mrs. Streets asked looking up from a clipboard at her desk.

A dark girl with chestnut brown hair, big beautiful eyes and a sequenced shirt stood up.

"Thats me Ma'am."

"You are with Piper Joplin." Mrs. Streets assigned.

"Thanks!" Ava shot back.

An Asian girl with a black and white shirt on smiled at Ava. Avalon assumed that she must be Piper.

"Avalon Diehart?" Mrs. Streets asked the classroom.

Avalon stood up.

"That would be me madame." Avalon said to the teacher.

"You will be paired up with Paris Harbours." Mrs. Streets coaxed.

A girl stood up she had platinum blonde hair and big blue eyes.
"I'm Paris." She said. They were sitting right next to each other so Paris shook her hand. She was whereing black leather gloves with holes on the knuckles, a black shirt, and black skinny jeans.

§§§§"We should do the report on Europe

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"We should do the report on Europe." Paris told Avalon.

"Okay. But maybe I wanna do it on Scotland. I understand you are from Europe but I'm from Scotland." Avalon chirpped at Paris.

"What I say goes understand?"

"Understood." Avalon stated at Paris scarily.

"We'll work on this the rest tomorrow. I'm going to see my love Drew at the mental facility for the rest of free period."

Okay fine Miss queen of England snarkiness. Im going to the high school library for the rest of mine. Its cooler and way better then some mental facility.

Avalon picked up her things and walked to her locker. She sat her things down in it and locked it up. She walked out of the building and onto the high school grounds.

Avalon made her way to the library. She opened the big doors. As she entered she saw Buffy from two nights ago, a red head and boy with dark brown or even black hair. The dark haired boy stopped his conversation with the red head and looked at Avalon. His jaw dropped. He stood up and walked over to Avalon.

"Hello. Do you know where Rupert is?" Avalon asked him.

"No I don't know a Rupert. But can you check my pulse because I think I'm dead." The boy d

"Why do you say that?" Avalon asked.

"Because Im seeing an Angel."

"Aw thanks I'm flattered really, but I'm out of your league, we don't knkw each others names, and I'm twelve and taller than you." Avalon spat at him.

"My name is Xander!" Xander yelled at Avalon as she walked away.

A man middle aged popped up from behind the big desk. Startling Avalon, he pulled out a big dusty book titled Vampyre.

"Finally here it is." He said in a British accent.

Is everyone here british.

"Hi my name is Avalon I'm looking for Rupert Giles." Avalon told the man behind the desk.

"Oh yes that is I." Rupert answered.

"Oh hi Mr.Giles I am here to be your slayer."

"Slayer?" Giles looked confused.

"Yes I am your slayer. You are my watcher."

Sorry for short chapter

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