Welcome to Sunnydale Junior High

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The sun scorched the town. It was Monday. Avalon and Jenny had arrived in Sunnydale On friday. Avalon's room was set up. She was sleeping peacefully. Then her alarm started to chirp. Avalon squinted her eyes open. She looked at her alarm radio it was 6:00. Avalon walked over to her closet she pulled out her long sleeve grey crop top and her floral overal dress. She put them on. She walked over to her vanity and sat down. She took her brush and brushed through her curly red hair. Avalon then slipped her cross choker over her head and settled it on her neck. Avalon then unhooked her shiny cross necklace and clasped it on around her neck. She opened up her vanity drawer and pulled out her plum lipstick she applied it to her lips carefully. Avalon put her lipstick back and walked over to her Dresser. She opened the top drawer and grabbed a pair of socks. She slipped them on a put her black boots on.

I will be a legend.

Avalon walked down stairs. Jenny was in the kitchen drinking her morning cup of coffee.

"Get in the truck. I'll drive you to the new school. In a minute. Don't forget your backpack!" Jenny said setting her coffee down.

"Okay mom." Avalon obeyed.

She walked over to the recliner and got her backpack off of it. She then walked out the door. Avalon hopped over the side of the porch landed perfectly then walked five feet to the driveway. She hopped up in the truck and waited patiently.

Jenny arrived at Sunnydale Junior High.
"Have a nice day sweetie!" Jenny shouted at Avalon as she got out of the car.

"I'll try." Avalon sighed. She shut the door and walked into the school building. As soon as she entered the school everyone looked straight at her. They nodded at went back to doing what they were doing. Avalon saw an eighth grader pin a seventh grader up against a locker. She also saw people throwing footballs and a squad of girls saying "Lets go Razor Backs Lets Go!"

Is my mom crazy? There is no way this is a junior high. It's more like a mental facility. Where all the patients got loose.

Avalon walked around until she found the Administration office. When she finally found it she walked in.

"Hi. My name is Avalon Diehart I'm here to get a schedule and a locker combination." Avalon told the desk lady.

"Of course. I got word you were showing up here. Let me just say we are honored to have you Miss Diehart. Principal James will be right with you."

"Thank you but the pleasure is all mine." Avalon lied.

Avalon took a seat in the waiting room waiting for her new principal to come walking out of an office any second now. A few minutes went by and a tall lady with dark hair came out of the first door in the administration Office. The door said Principles Office. She had dark brown eyes covered by rectangular glasses. She wore a black pants suit.

"Avalon Diehart I pursume?" Principal James asked Avalon with her hand out.

Avalon stood up and shook her hand.

"Your presumptions are correct Ma'am."

"Alrighty then. Just follow me to my office."

Avalon followed Principal James into her office. Avalon took a seat in a chair on the other side of the principals desk.

"Hi my name is Principal James. I will be your new principal here at Sunndale Junior High. May I just say I am honored to have you here Miss Diehart. Your record is amazing! You have had straight A's your whole life. You participated in every school fundraiser they ever had at Gopher Junior high. And may I just say you are an outstanding author! I must have read your book Going through The Motions five hundred times"

"Thank you for appreciating my work Principal James." Avalon thanked.

"Please call me Janet."

"Okay Janet, may I please have have my Schedule and locker combination and number now?" Avalon asked ever so politely.

"Yes yes of course." Janet Answered.

She went over to her filing cabnet and opened a drawer she then went to the letter D and pulled out all of Avalon's information. She then walked over to her book shelf grabbed a book with a red cover and sat down again.

"Here is all the information you need to know about classes and your locker." Janet handed the paper to Avalon. "Also can you please sign my copy of Going Through The Motions?" Janet added pushing the book towards Avalon.

"Of course." Avalon answered Janet. Avalon signed the book and left the office.

I think I'm gonna be worshiped around here.

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