Defeating Power.

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Avalon woke up in the hospital. Giles and Buffy were in the room.

"Hey." Buffy told Avalon.

"Hey. How'd I get here?" Avalon asked.

"The nurses said that someone brought you." Giles informed Avalon.

"What did I do to my Anckel?"

"You fractured it they did surgery on it so you should be fine." Xander chimed in with a whole bunch of balloons and gifts. Willow next to him. The nurse walked in after them.

"Wheres your brother at?" The nurse asked.

"My brother?" Avalon asked.

"Yea he dropped you off here. He stayed all night. Waiting for you to wake up." The Nurse acknowledged them.

"Oh. My brother. What did he say his name was?" Avalon asked.

"Um I think it was Angel. Your mom likes A's I see. Avalon." The nurse answered.

"Yes her favorite letter."

Someone knocked on the door. The nurse opened it for them.

"Hi is this Avalon's room?" Paris asked in a british tone.

The nurse walked out.

"Yes it is Paris." Avalon answered her kindly.

Paris ran up to Avalon and hugged her so tight she all most crushed her rib cage, literally.

"Sorry sometimes I don't realize my own strength." Paris apologized releasing her.

"Did I ever thank you?" Paris added.

"For?" Avalon asked.

"Saving my life."

"Yes you did." Avalon Informed Paris.

"Oh well thanks again anyways." Paris laughed at her self.

"Hey pear." Xander Said using a new nick name.

"Pear?" Paris asked confused.

"Its your new nickname." Xander exhausted.

"Thanks but I go by Spike." Paris told him.

"Mine made sense that one doesn't." Xander said.

"I kinda collect railroad spikes. I have over 370." Paris said.

"Oh okay." Xander said looking at Willow weirdly.

"You cut your hair?" Avalon noticed.

"You cut your hair?" Avalon noticed

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"Yea It got to long. I usually keep it pretty short."

"Well I like it." Avalon complemented.


"I'm starving." Buffy shouted as she slapped her thighs.

"I could go for some food." Xander told them.
"Oh guys I forgot to tell you. I saved Cordi's life today. When I did she couldn't see. She almost got hit by a big UPS bus." Buffy told the group.

"Definitely Witchcraft. Blinding enemies is a specialty in witchcraft." Avalon chirped.

"Yes. Well we will go to Amy's house when we get out of the-" Giles got cuaght off by Buffy.

"Don't say it. That word gives me the creeps. Mys well call it corps men tent." Buffy shivered.

Every one left to eat besides Paris.

I hate Buffy Summers with pasion! I will kill her! Paris thought to her self as she sat in the chair next to Avalons bed. Stroking her red locks as Avalon drifted to Sleep.

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