Graduation Ball

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"So, how was your first day, Sofia?" Dad asked at the dinner table.

"It was great!" I exclaimed, biting loudly into a huge chicken leg. Crunch! "The teachers were so kind and the subjects were so easy! And this one prince was so..."

I realized what I was doing and quickly composed myself.

Dad brushed off the last awkward bit. "Wow! All on your first day, huh?"

"Mhm! And Amber even offered to let me sit with her at lunch!"

Amber smiled with pride. "Well, it was my noble duty as a stepsister."

Suddenly, James began to chuckle.

The room fell silent.

His chuckles grew into hysterical fits of laughter and his body started quivering. Rivers of tears streamed down his face.

"HAHAHA! YOU SAID 'DUTY'!" James guffawed.

Everyone just stared at him.

I was actually starting to get scared for him.

Then, he fell off his chair and began rolling on the ground, spewing with uncontrollable laughter.

"Baileywick!" Dad finally called, raising his voice above James's insane laugh.

Baileywick burst into the room and grabbed the still laughing James from under the arms. Then, he dragged him out the room until James's laugh slowly became fainter and fainter.

"What were you saying, Sofia?" Dad said as though nothing strange had happened.

"Oh! I almost forgot!" I reached into the pocket of my dress and took out the card Hugo gave me. "A friend from school wants to invite me over for a ball."

"Me too, Daddy," Amber said, holding out her card.

Mom and Dad eyed each other with silent agreement.

"Well, there's nothing wrong with it. I guess you can go. Just don't bring James with you," Dad said, looking out the door's direction anxiously.

"Yes! Thank you, Daddy! Thank you!" Amber cried out rapturously as she squeezed him in a tight embrace.

"Thanks, Dad!" I said as well.

I went to my room to fix myself up.  Clover, Mia, and Robin had fallen asleep on my bed beside the window.

I checked myself out in my vanity mirror and added a bit of blush. Then, I brushed my hair, which was slightly messy from my long day of school, and applied some sweet skunk perfume.

I skipped to the door, but was stopped by Amber, who stood at the doorway in her fanciest night-blue gown, with a sly smile on her face.

"I know your little secret," she said.

Oh no. What do I do? Start apologizing and beg for mercy immediately?

"What secret?" I asked, playing it cool.

"Hildegard told me that you like Prince Hugo."

"Oh," was all that escaped my lips. "Uh, I mean--"

"No, do what you want. I don't care. But I'm warning you, I know Hugo and I'm telling you right now, all he cares about is school, his dad, his sport, and his friends."

"I-is that bad?"

"Whatever. I could talk to him for you if you want."

"Really? You would do that for me?"

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