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All day in Old English class, Hildegard shot me dirty glares. I still don't understand why she would think I like Zandar. Neither do I understand why she likes him.

Miss Fauna read to us a story called The Tale of the Noble Knight.

It was boring as heck that I felt like ripping her eyes out and shoving them into her mouth.


When I got home, I immediately started on my poop load of homework. Arithmetic was easy, but it took me so long because this time, we were dealing with two digit numbers. Old English was a total waste of time because all we do is overanalyze one small line from a passage. History of kingdoms and monarchs is just dumb. I don't care about a bunch of old geezers who kept a million mistresses. Besides, I'm not related to any of those royal idiots. As for magic class, the only thing it's good for is manipulating people, but learning about Merlin and the founders of the principles of magic was pretty useless. I bet we're only even learning about Merlin because the fairy headmistresses had a crush on him.

I took out Zandar's card from my pocket. I still wasn't sure if I should join the team. I didn't like Zandar, but he seemed nice and I didn't want to disappoint him.

And then there was Hugo. Does he even like me? Does he actually have feelings for Amber the manipulative wench?

"So, what happened at school today, Sofia?" Mia asked.

"I tricked Amber into eating nutrition bars by telling her they'll help her lose weight," I said gleefully.

"Sofia, that is brilliant!" Clover exclaimed. "We just gotta wait for it to kick in. This is gonna be great!"

"Don't you think you're going a bit too far?" Robin asked.

"NO," Clover, Mia, and I said in unison.

"Robin, never forget that day when Amber refused to feed us and threatened to call the royal exterminator. Keep that in your stupid pea brain bird head."


"Yo, I think hear someone coming," Clover said.

I buried the three of them beneath piles of heavy pillows.

My mom entered my room.

"Mom it would be nice if you knocked," I said as I sat on the heap of pillows.

"And it would be nice if you cleaned your room."

"Why are you here?"

"Amber told me to go get you. She wants to meet you outside."

When I went outside, I found Amber, Clio, and Hildegard in a coach.

"Get in, loser. We're going shopping!" Amber yelled.

I hopped on and the coach took off.

"Amber, you're done with homework?" I asked in astonishment.

"I just let my brainy boyfriend do all the work for me."

"Since when was Hugo brainy?"

Sofia the first: Mean PrincessesWhere stories live. Discover now