Princess True

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The next day in magic class, Miss Flora passed out our Merlin 'history' tests.

I heard groans every time test papers touched the desks.

The only kid who didn't let out a groan was fricking Desmond. I hated him with a burning passion. All that annoying, big-headed runt did was blurt out answers and showcase his knowledge to make everyone else feel miserable.

I wanted to send violent blows to his nerdy face or curse him with frog warts. My fantasies continued until I heard the sound of paper being set down in front of me.

I cringed.

I didn't dare look at the red marks, but my curiosity prevailed and I read my score:

6 out of 30

While everyone else worked on their enchanted worksheets, Miss Flora beckoned me to her desk.

My stomach churned.

All heads turned to me. "Oooooh!" everyone exclaimed.

I dragged my feet reluctantly to Miss Flora's desk and snarled at the class, "Shut up, you immature idiots!"

I never realized how much I said shut up.

Miss Flora's gaze was cold. I couldn't stand to look at her so I averted my eyes to my shoes.

"Sofia," she began, stretching the last syllable.

"What?! Come on, woman, tell me what it is so we could get this over with!" I flung my arms angrily into the air and realized and all eyes were glued to me, so I calmed myself down.

"I know you're the new student and that you just want to fit in and impress people, but you don't have to dumb yourself down to get attention. Keep in mind that the secret to being a true princess is kindness."

I was puzzled. How stupid. How truly stupid.

"What makes you think I'd want to dumb myself down? What kind of an idiot does that? I'm not dumbing myself down, your stupid tests are literally just hard as heck. Who on earth cares about Merlin's favorite drink or his first love? Who learns this type of trash?!"

Miss Flora looked hurt. "Now, dear, Merlin was a magical genius--"

"I don't care what he was and I don't care that you can't get over your dumb break up! I'm out of here!"

I stormed out of the room, slamming the door loudly behind me.

I sat in the hall and searched my tumultuous mind for any reason or logic, but it only ached with questions from the test.

What was Merlin's middle name?

What is Merlin's address?

Does Merlin love Miss Flora back?

At last, the tears flowed out. I was a failure in magic class. I would never become a true princess, not if I can't pass all the tests.

Kindness is the secret to being a true princess? Complete flying horse poop.

I thought my mood would worsen, but I was reminded of something to look forward to.

Later on that day with Amber, Hildegard, and Clio, we looked through Amber's huge walk-in closet.

"What are we doing here?" I asked, gazing at the various dresses.

"Duh, it's for your coronation ball," Amber answered. "It's next week!"

Clio wandered around the room like an idiot, getting lost in all the dresses.

Amber pulled out a hanger with a lavender dress, almost exactly like mine, except with more sparkles and intricate designs and held it out in front of my body.

"Hold on," Amber said. She shuffled through her drawer of tiaras and took out a diamond light blue one.

She tossed my usual tiara to the ground, which Hildegard caught, and placed the diamond one on my head.

"Gee, Amber, this feels a bit heavy," I said.

"Yes, but who cares? It looks regal."

"You look fantastic," Hildegard commented.

"No, I think you look like a true princess," Amber added.

I was flattered. My chest flooded with pride, but my failed magic test kept gnawing at me from inside.

But it was true. All the evidence was before me in a mirror. I looked like I came straight from an incestuous royal bloodline. Although, I felt uneasy when I thought I caught Amber's face in my reflection.

"Sofia, I think now it is perfectly appropriate to call you my sister. And I don't just mean stepsister. You've got the looks and the charm. If you have all that, you're perfectly entitled to be considered a true princess's sister."

She pulled me into an embrace. I didn't know what to feel.

"S-say, Amber," Hildegard piped up, "If you think that new tiara looks a lot better on Sofia--"

Amber sighed in exasperation. "Hildy, what makes  you think you can ever wear a tiara?"

"But this one is just so fetch!" she whined.

"Shut up."

A/N: Sorry I took so long to update and sorry for the short chapter. School has started and my laziness has been rekindled.

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