Wassailia Performance

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After school, Hildegard and Clio rode our coach with us home to rehearse once more before our Wassailia performance.

We were in Amber's room. While we were changing into our satin light blue knee length dresses, Amber struggled to button hers all the way up.

"Maybe you gained weight," Clio said bluntly.

Hildegard shot her a venomous warning look. "But you're so skinny!" she said to Amber.

"Shut up!"

Hildegard showed a hurt expression.

Amber continued, "Ugh, this is impossible! I've always been a size zero! All I've been eating are the gooseberry bars!"

I smirked. The gooseberry bars had added on some weight.

"Oh, that's only your water weight," I explained. "First you bloat. Then, you drop ten pounds like that." I snapped my fingers.

After several attempts at tucking her belly in, Hildegard and Clio finally managed to help Amber close her dress all the way.

Afterwards, they fixed themselves up with makeup and all sorts of unnecessary accessories, while I just sprayed on a puff of sweet skunk perfume. While they were busy admiring themselves, I slipped out of the room and dashed into mine.

Clover was resting on my bed by the window along with Mia and Robin at either side of him under the lazy sunset glow.

"Pssst! You guys!" I whispered.

"Oh, hey, Princess," Clover greeted without lifting his head.

"The gooseberry bars finally added on to her weight!" I announced proudly. "And Amber is getting annoyed with Hildegard."

"Sofia, you're amazing! All we gotta do is break her up with Hugo!"

"Anyway, today's the day of the Wassailia school performance! I'm so nervous."

"Don't worry, Sofia. You're a great singer. I hear you all the time in the shower," Mia said dumbly.

"No, stupid," I said. "I'm dancing along with Hildegard and Clio! Amber will be the only one singing!"

"Oh. Good luck with that," Mia replied.

"You'll do fine, Sofia," Clover said more comfortingly. "If you were able to do all that to ruin Amber's life, hey, you can do pretty much anything."

"Thanks, Clover."

Then, I met the girls outside.

We hopped onto a coach and it took off. The evening breeze was unbearable in my skimpy outfit. But the Plastics suppressed their discomfort. They valued beauty more.

When we arrived at Royal Prep, we entered through the backside to reach the backstage of the auditorium.

Hildegard paced around nervously, obviously agitated at not having received a candy cane gram.

"What could I have done wrong?" she would ask herself.

Then, she would inadvertently begin spewing out secrets about Amber.

"You know, I think it's because she's still depressed about her parents' divorce after her mom found out her Dad was cheating on her with a mistress." She would pause in realization. "Oh my gosh. Pretend you didn't just hear that."

I would just absorb the secrets silently. I had a lot of questions to ask my mom, but I decided to save them for next time.

Behind the crimson velvet curtains, I could make out Zandar's voice busting out some sick rhymes.

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