The Plan

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Clover, Mia, and Robin woke up.

"Woah, Princess, what's wrong?" Clover asked. "What happened at the ball?"

"Amber. Sh-she took him back. She took Hugo back," I sobbed.

"Oh, Sofia, I'm sorry," Robin said comfortingly as she and Mia flew to my side.

"Why would she do that?" I said through the tears and the pressure in my throat.

Clover replied, "She's a life ruiner! She ruins people's lives! Listen, Amber is a mean girl. She is a bi--"

"Ahem. Ahem," Robin coughed.

"Sorry. Anyway, let me tell you a little something about the Plastics. Clio is one of the dumbest girls you will ever meet, no doubt about that. Hildegard knows everything about everybody's business."

"That's why her hair is so big; it's full of secrets," Mia added.

"And evil takes its form in Princess Amber, the most popular princess in Royal Prep."

"How do you know so much about them?" I asked, my throat finally clearing up and my tears drying.

"Sofia, once, Amber was a little innocent girl like you. I know, it's so ridiculous, but whatever. Anyway, we would help her tidy up her room and she would give us treats, but then she met her first boyfriend Hugo and they'd always be having play dates. So then one day we helped clean up her room and we waited for our treat, but she didn't give us any. That stupid wench told to scram or else she'd call the royal exterminator and now we can't even show our faces in front of her."

"Wow. I feel really bad for you guys. You've been through so much," I said, feeling their pain of having to deal with stupid Amber.

"Look, we've got a plan to ruin Amber's life."

Clover dug through my backpack until he found a quill and a piece of parchment. He began writing, the tip of the quill scratching against the paper.

"Here it is," Clover said laying down the paper before me. "All we gotta do is get rid of all of these and Amber is off the throne."

He had written:

Prince Hugo
Nice body
Army of wenches

"Are you, Princess Sofia, willing to endure Amber's antics to carry out this devious, yet clever plan?"

I nodded.

"Say it like you mean it!"

"Yes! I pledge to act okay and be a pushover if it means ruining Amber's life!"

"Good. Let's do this." Clover rubbed his paws together with a smirk on his face.

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